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Author's pov

"Jungkook, where are you taking me? Wait, are you planning to take me to an abandoned place and finally kill me because I once stole your banana milk and accidentally broke your iron man figurine? "Taehyung asked with a horrified face. Jungkook stopped the car mid way before looking at his now wife

"Perks of having your best friend as your wife. Your life is always full of hilarious things'' jungkook said looking at taehyung with a done face

"Haaa and that gives you enough reason to kill me. Jesus christ i knew it , one day you gonna kill me and take all those sticker books which i have collected. I am telling you kook i will haunt you as a ghost if you do so" taehyung said pointing the plastic water bottle at jungkook

Jungkook just blinked his eyes and looked at his wife cum bestfriend dumbfounded. He shook his head before flicking taehyung's forehead

"Yeahh!! What was that for you asshole?!" Taehyung asked rubbing the spot where jungkook hit her

"To knock some sense." Jungkook replied before starting the car again. It has been two weeks since they got married. They mostly have been behaving like they used to but jungkook has became more caring towards her and has tried to keep her happy all the time

"Mr. Jeon Jungkook where are you taking me?~" taehyung asked sweetly batting her eyelashes. Jungkook literally laughed at this point

"To a surprise date at the beach Mrs. Jeon Jungkook~" jungkook replied and looked at taehyung to see her reaction and it was worth it. Seeing taehyung blush is the cutest sight ever

"Guess what?" Jungkook asked catching taehyung attention who excitedly looked at him with shiny eyes

"What? You buying me a puppy?!!" Taehyung asked excitedly with a huge boxy smile. Jungkook just kept quiet and kept driving with a knowing smile

"You are?! Really?!!! Yuppie!!! Kookie you the best!!!" Taehyung exclaimed happily while jumping in tiny on her seat

"No" jungkook replied. Taehyung frowned before whinning loudly

"That's it i am killing you and that's final. How could you do this to me?!" Taehyung exclaimed dramatically while doing weird hand gestures

"You will be a widower" jungkook replied looking a taehyung before looking at the road

"Urrrrrhhh i fucking hate you bastard" taehyung said groaning and slumping down in the seat

"Sure , i completely believe you" jungkook said in which he just got a smack in his bicep

"I will take you every week to a dog or cat cafe but we are not having a pet" jungkook stated before pulling over to the cute dog cafe near the beach

"But why?~" taehyung asked and got down from the car

"There is a reason" jungkook replied and himself got down before walking up to taehyung's side

"And may i know what is that reason Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung asked with her hands on her waist with squinted eyes directed towards jungkook

"Maybe some other day Mrs. Jeon" jungkook replied. He swear seeing taehyung blush is the cutest sight he has ever seen

"Look there" jungkook said softly while pointing at the cafe. Taehyung turned to look at the cafe and soon she squealed before dashing inside the cafe. Jungkook chuckled shaking his head before walking into the cafe as well
"I didn't knew you can be romantic too" taehyung said as she walked hand in hand with her husband cum bestfriend

"Whatever" jungkook mumbled before picking taehyung bridal style. He walked up to an ice-cream stall with a squealing bear in his arms

"Which flavour do you want sir , ma'am?" The vendor asked the two

"A strawberry for me and a mint choco for my husband" taehyung said softly as a blush adorned her cheeks when she mentioned jungkook as her husband

"Cone or cup?" The vendor asked as he started to scoop the ice-cream

"Cup and make it a combo one" jungkook replied. The vendor nodded his head before handing the cup of ice-cream to taehyung with a spoon. For a moment jungkook kept taehyung down and took out his wallet to pay before again picking her and walked up to the shore

"Hmmm" taehyung took a scoop of mint choco upto jungkook's mouth. Jungkook first sat down on the sand with taehyung on his lap before eating the ice-cream

"The weather is so good today" taehyung said looking at sea with cool winds hitting their body

"Hmm" jungkook just hummed. As they enjoyed the moderate weather with their ice-creams as jungkook looked at taehyung while being in deep thoughts

"Tae" Jungkook called after a long silence. Taehyung just hummed while leaning her head on jungkook's shoulder

"You won't ever leave me right?" Jungkook asked which caught taehyung off guard. Taehyung turned to look at jungkook and replied after a moment

"No" jungkook nodded his head and then stuffed his face in taehyung's neck

"Don't ever leave me tae, i will die if you leave me" jungkook said. His voice was kinda muffled but taehyung still heard it

"I won't, i promise" taehyung replied after taking a deep breathe and hugged jungkook back



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