ESMP1: Simmy

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    Jimmy stood outside his Great Wall of Cod, in front of the ravine between his empire and Sausage's Mythland.

    It was right before sunrise, and Jimmy shivered in the cold morning air. Sausage was late. Again.

    Not that they had a meeting planned or anything! Just, theoretically, if he and Sausage had a meeting planned, and said meeting was for right before sunrise at the ravine, then theoretically, Sausage was late.

    Just as Jimmy was about to give up and fly away, he heard the whistle of an elytra, and Sausage glided down gracefully from the top of his wall, landing on the other side of the ravine.

    There was no one there but them; since the walls were only symbolic, there was no need to guard them.

    Sausage smirked at Jimmy, and despite his annoyance at Sausage being late, he smiled back. Hopping over the ravine with the help of his elytra, he accidentally used one too many rockets and shot forward, flipping over and crashing into Sausage.

    Sausage fell from the impact, Jimmy landing on top of him. They were on the Mythland side of the ravine, laying in the wet grass. It had rained the night before.

    Looking down at Sausage, a blush crept across his cheeks. Sausage only smiled wider and said, "Missed me?" Jimmy climbed off of Sausage and stood up, brushing himself off. "You're late," he said, looking anywhere but at Sausage. He stood up as well, and brushed off his clothes, which looked brand new.

    "What do you think of my new outfit? I'm a wizard!" Sausage proclaimed proudly. Sausage was wearing a blue robe with golden embroidery, his usual boots and gloves, and a hood was settled on his shoulders. He somehow had added his pauldron thing without it clashing, and a brown belt completed the look, with a golden clasp holding it closed.

    "You look amazing!" Jimmy said, slightly aggressively. "Don't you need magic to be a wizard?"

     Indignation filled Sausage's face, and he said, "I have magic! I do magic stuff!" Seemingly getting an idea, he added, "I made you fall in love with me, didn't I?"

     Now Jimmy was the one protesting. "You fell in love with me!" Sausage laughed and took a step closer, looking up into Jimmy's face.

    Jimmy continued talking. "Plus, that's not magic, that's just you being hot."

    Sausage's eyes sparkled with the sunrise, and he said, "You think I'm hot?"

    Jimmy tried to answer, stammered, and eventually just gave up on talking and kissed Sausage instead. Sausage himself seemed to have no problem with this new development, because he promptly kissed Jimmy back.

    They stood there kissing for quite a bit before a yell from above made them scramble apart. FWhip of the Grimlands sailed down from the sky, and upon landing, looked at the two in confusion.

    "What are you two doing here? Don't you hate each other?" FWhip asked. Jimmy glared at Sausage and said, "I'm telling Sausage to take down his wall. I built it first, he can't steal my idea!" 

    Sausage frowned back and said, "You're just jealous my wall is better than yours!" It didn't look like they were fooling FWhip, because he asked slowly, with obvious confusion, "Were you guys... kissing?" Both Sausage and Jimmy scrambled to deny FWhip statement, which only seemed to incriminate them more. 

    Jimmy and Sausage's relationship was a secret they kept from the other empires. They used to hate each other (hence the walls) but several botched treaty meetings and accidently getting locked in a room together for several hours had given them time to get to know each other, and they had slowly fallen in love.

    They decided to keep it secret because Pearl had bet Sausage that he would end up dating Jimmy, and Sausage didn't want to lose the bet. It looked like he was going to, though, because FWhip didn't look fooled at all.

    "You guys were kissing! You were totally kissing!" FWhip said, a massive grin spreading across his face. "I knew it! I knew you two liked each other!" Turning to Jimmy, FWhip asked excitedly, "So how long have you been with Sausage?" 

    Jimmy looked at Sausage panickily, and he mouthed, play dumb. Jimmy asked, "Who's Sausage?" 

    Sausage smacked his face, and said, "Not that dumb!" Turning to FWhip, Sausage said, "Don't tell Pearl, she'll never let me hear the end of it." 

    FWhip nodded, still grinning. "Deal... but only if you help me prank Gem." Sausage agreed, and FWhip backed up a few steps before saying, "Well, I'm off, then. You two have fun!" He deployed his elytra and flew off before Sausage could throw a rock at him.

    The sun was rising by then, and Jimmy had a meeting with another empire that he had to go to, so they kissed a bit more before going their separate ways, with plans to meet again the next morning.

A/N: Thanks to Rainyjoi2009 for reading this pre-release to make sure it wasn't cringy <3 :D

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