There may be some people from the future who may also be appearing, so that's a quick warning.

The red door leads to the female toilets while the blue leads to the male toilets and the white door leads to a room if you need a break.

Have a good day."

Voices of distrust came from others at the absurd idea of watching the future. Snow and Alma Coin watched on with great interest while the others felt distrust grow within them.

A bright blue light cut them off as a group of teenagers were seen in the middle. 2 boys and 3 girls.

The tallest boy had dirty blonde hair that fell just below his ears, his eyes were a sea green as he took in the people before him with a calm smirk that reminded Artemis of the blonde that was currently gripping onto her hand. His gaze left goosebumps on people arms and necks as his gaze was so sharp, they felt that if they stared for too long they'll be die on the spot.

The last boy was slightly shorter than the other, he had curly blonde hair and shining grey eyes that lit up as he looked at the people who he calls family in the future. However it slightly dims at the sight of some people.

The first female had dark black hair that cascaded down her back and bright blue eyes that held a dark coolness in them. She stood closely to the 2nd boy, almost in a protective way.

The 2nd female had blonde hair and sky blue eyes that held a calculating look. She looked so sweet and innocent with her yellow sundress that was encased with flowers but something told everyone not to mess with her, as the calculating look in her eyes seemed to be thinking of different ways to kill everyone-minus a few- in the room.

The last and final girl stood gripping onto dark haired girls hand. She seemed around 14 years old. Her blonde hair was tied into a messy ponytail whilst her green eyes shone with mischief.

"Hi!" The blonde haired female waved a beautiful smile stretched onto her face as she greeted the people from the past. "I'm Ophelia Maggie Odair. And me and these people with me are from the future!" Her hands were clasped together once she finished as everyone just stared at her in shock.

"Lia, I think you broke them," a giggle came from the small girl as she stared at her honarary cousin.

"Odair?" Spoke Finnick as he looked at the girl with an emotion that many weren't able to decipher. But not Artemis for she could read the boy like a book. She squeezed his hand in reassurance and slight hurt and jealousy for the women who had been able to win the boy she'd been in love with for so long. But the women just smiled. It pained her, it truly and honestly did, but what more could she want then his happiness and good health?

The blonde nodded sadly as she stared at her father. She never had the pleasure of actually meeting him as he'd died during the great war, but her mother never failed to tell her how much he loved her and her brother. How much he wished he could be with the three of them. Her mother, along with her Uncle Peeta, Aunt Katniss, Aunt Cassy, Uncle Klaus, Aunt Annie, Aunt Johanna and grandpa Haymitch had told her and her brother countless stories about the fearless man that put everybody before himself.

And now she was finally standing in front of him.""

Finnick stood in shock. He'd always wanted kids and a big family. He'd always dreamt of himself, his wife, and their kids by the beach. Him teaching his kids to fish and how to tie ropes whilst his wife would teach them to swim and sing to them. All of them on the beach, watching the waves crash and naming constellations. He just never thought that it would be possible.

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