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Author's pov

"Kook, that best friend of yours is really something" A cute guy with plump lips said while styling the said male's hair

"Why? what did she do this time? Jimin" The said male asked with a warm smile. His bestfriend is really one of a kind

"Did you asked her , that you want to eat daegu's special gobchang in your breakfast today jungkook?" Jimin asked while straightening jungkook's wedding suit

"Oh that, i was just joking....Wait don't tell me she-

"Well yes that's right, at 4 fucking am she left with hobi hyung to bring you your desired breakfast" jimin said , he backed away a bit and took a final look of his brother-in-law's appearance

"Damn, this is the reason why i love her" Jungkook said chuckling. Jimin stared at jungkook for a while before shaking his head and giving him a smile

"Is he ready? Ooh you are ready" a handsome male with attractive cat eyes said while coming inside the room with a dimple guy and a woman with wide shoulders

"Yes , he is ready my yoongi boongie" Jimin said patting jungkook's shoulder

"Babe when will you stop calling me that?" Yoongi asked , being so done with his husband calling him that

"Hmm lemme think....well... never" Jimin said before patting yoongi's cheeks. Yoongi just sighed and shook his head

"I can't believe my son is getting married joonie" the woman said crying (fake crying) and wiped her non existing tears

"Come on jinnie" the dimple guy said patting his wife's back with a sigh

"Come on jin noona , don't cry now. Its my wedding" jungkook said secretly rolling his eyes at his elder sister

"Whatever you brat" Jin said , her mood taking a 360° turn

"By the way , jungkook are you nervous?" Namjoon asked while giving a bro hug to his brother-in-law

"Hmm, kinda" Jungkook replied. And then the five of them started chatting. There is still two hours untill the wedding starts so they have enough time.

"When will she come?" Jungkook asked looking at the clock while tapping his foot on the floor impatiently

"Gosh jungkook she hasn't gone down town. She has gone to daegu for god sake and did you forget there is something called traffic still exist" jin said while smacking her brother's head

"Noona my hairstyle~, you ruined it" jungkook whined as his hairstyle was ruined. The other four just rolled their eyes because the hairstyle was completely fine

"Oh my, isn't my son looking the most handsome groom" Mrs. Jeon said coming into the room along with Mr. Jeon

"Well after all he is our son" Mr. Jeon stated proudly

"You 're right honey , hey where is tae? And hobi?" Mrs. Jeon asked when she didn't saw the two

"Well you dear son has jokingly said to my dear sister that he wants to eat daegu's special gobchang in today's breakfast so my sister being the good best friend she is-

"Went to daegu to bring that with hobi" Mr. Jeon completed namjoon's statement in which the rest nodded their head

"And i am sure you aren't going out until she arrives?" Mrs. Jeon asked in which jungkook nodded his head with a huge bunny smile

"Great.'' Mrs. Jeon said, chuckling. She has always admired jungkook and his bestfriend since kindergarten, taehyung's friendship. She lowkey even wanted taehyung as her daughter-in-law but his son was already in love with someone else

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