Another Little Liar- One Direction version of PLL {By Ivy}

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Josh's P.O.V

I walked around the empty house that was creepily quiet. My brother Thayer was the only one home. The lazy bum was asleep though. So yeah, the house was dark, quiet, and a bit scary. But I would never admit that out loud.

I heard a noise and whirled around. It was the idiot Thayer.

"Damn it Thayer!"

"My bad", he paused contemplating something.

"Is something wrong Thay", I asked worried for my brother.

"No, it's nothing, I was just thinking of something Cher told me", he drifted back to his thoughts.

He turned back over and put a bag of kettle corn into the microwave.

"Want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah, since you already have the popcorn going", we both chuckled a bit.

Right when the popcorn was almost finished the power went off.

"I'll go check what's wrong", I volunteered.

I went to grab a flashlight and walked out into the yard. I walked around the corner and walked through a few trees. Sometimes the forest that started right at the side of my house was bothersome. After walking through a few trees I found the metal box. I opened it and I couldn't tell which switch was which.

I sighed in exasperation.

My feet and arms tried their best not to get tangled up into the trees as I made my way back.

Somehow I managed to get lost and walk into an opening. It seemed familiar but I was broken out of my thoughts.


A twig broke.

"Thayer, I'm lost again!," I yelled out hoping my brother would hear me.

"Coming", he hollered back.

I sighed in relief.

But it was broken off again.

This time it wasn't a twig.

This time something slammed into the back of my head, with me falling into unconsciousness.

I woke up in a hospital bed.

What happened?

Oh yeah... Some psychopath tried to kill me.

I saw someone sitting next to my bed holding a pillow.

"Where is everyone?", I asked a bit panicked.

"They left to eat and oh what a mistake that was", they said with an evil grin.

As they spoke I looked around. The I.V. was taken out of my wrist and the machine was turned off. This person planned everything. From the start. They came into my life slowly sneaking their way in. But apparently that wasn't the case either.

"I actually didn't mean to do this, it was all an accident."

They were making a weak attempt at an apology.

"And now that you know who I am I have to kill you."

I was about to scream but it was cut off by the pillow. The air in my lungs slowly started to waste. Soon I would be dead.

Like every other persons death memories came into mind. Some of my five best friends and all the times we shared. Some of my brother Thayer along with my sister Cher. Some caught my mind and I dreaded leaving them behind. A few in particular stayed with me.

Words I've heard from the same person killing me now.

Same words I've heard them say before...

"Remember," a short pause, "It's all your brothers fault."

Thayer's P.O.V

I made my way back towards Josh's room bringing him some water. I watched someone turn a corner and thought they seemed familiar. Panic went through my body as I realized who they could be. I ran into Josh's room and when I saw what I did my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Tears pooled into my eyes and threatened to spill.

There Josh lay with a pillow covering his face. The I.V was taken out of his hand. If you looked at the machine you wouldn't be able to tell. But looking at Josh you could tell. It was obvious.

Josh was dead.

I turned around hearing my mom near the room. I walked out and hugged her. I wrapped her into my arms not letting go. My sobs were soft but she heard. And there she knew.

Her son left this world.

Confusion washed over me when she pushed me away. Hatred and anger dripped from her eyes instead of tears.

"You did this you killed him", she yelled at me.

My dad came running holding my mother back.

My eyes showed I was full of hurt.

How could she think I killed my own brother?

Couldn't she see I was hurting from his death. My own brother. The small boy full of joy and laughter I was raised with. The only one who could cheer me up when I was down.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt cold metal on my wrists.

Now I'm being arrested.

For something I didn't do.

"I'm innocent", I yelled as I was being dragged out of the hospital and into a squad car.

At the moment I was in an interrogation room. The Detective Dick left a while ago. Yes, that's his name, everyone makes fun of it. He left when he realized he wouldn't get anything out of me. I knew they were watching me but soon after the feeling of eyes went away.

Finally some privacy.

I rolled my eyes when someone else walked in. When I saw who it was I turned serious.

Five boys walked in.

One of them took out a piece of paper and a pencil.

I began to write in the code we all knew by now.

Me: I swear I'm innocent.

Them: Then who was it.

Me: I have no idea.

"But I need your help to find out who it was", I spoke out loud this time, "I saw someone run out the woods and I saw that same person leaving Josh's room."

"Don't worry we'll find whoever it was", the familiar Irish accent said.

Another Little Liar- One Direction version of PLL {By Ivy}Where stories live. Discover now