01|| Memories ||

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-----Time: 11:05 P.M


---- Location/ city: Shibuya, Japan---

Nightlife in Shibuya was busy and interesting as always. Cars driving past, students going out having fun, the bright lights from billboards,.. While everything seemed to be nice and fine, there was still danger lurking around the corner. It's like a shadow, It will always be there following from behind, society can never escape it.

At that time, there were still all kinds of gangs running around but they were no match for 'Bonten'. Drugs dealing, murdery, assassination, prostitution,... almost every crimes known to men, they did it all.

Did the members do all this by choice? Or by force? Being blackmailed?...




"Huh..." a sigh could be heard from a girl with medium length, black braided hair. " It's so borringggg here " lengthening the 'g' to emphasize her disinterest in the place - which was one of Bonten's "hideout", specifically an abandoned building.

" Well why don't you join Sanzu? He's at the club right now. " said a male with purple hair color, he was none other than the infamous Ran Haitani. The girl stuck her tongue out, " Not interested, also if I did, I wouldn't be able to have fun anyway. "

That made him raise a brow, " Hm? Why's that? "

" I'd have to babysit him. Last time, Haru almost overdosed... ". Ran scoffed, " You haven't changed at all huh? Ruby Tamaki. ". Ruby chuckled, " It's been a while since I last heard that name, thought everyone here would just call me that weird name ' Stray ' " she said the name in a mocking manner which made him laugh.

The female yawned while standing up, " Say, you wanna go explore the building? ". Ran looked at his watch and nodded, " Sure, not like there's anything to do... ". She widened her eyes " Woah really? You're usually the one that stops me from doing stupid things " she said with a huge grin on her face.

Ran shrugged, " Meh, bored...Also... ", pointing at the girl, " If we get in trouble, I'm blaming all this on you ". That made Ruby click her tongue, " Asshole " she mumbled but it was loud enough for him to hear.

Skipping happily through the abandoned halls, " Mhm, do you think we should renovate this place? "

" Why? "

Ruby shrugged, " Dunno, just want to see this place lively again " she continued " I've always wanted to own a bakery or a cafe. ". The male hummed, " Well, why didn't you? Why chose this? ". Those questions made her stop in her tracks.

"You do realize back then you had a choice right? Either go back to that place or be a Bonten member. You- " ; The girl then quickly said, " Honestly I don't even know. ". Letting out a long sigh, " Ughhh why did the conversation turn so deep dude ! " 

Ran rolled his eyes, clearly tired of her shit, and was about to say something but he was cut off by Ruby " You heard that? "...






He didn't hear anything, and in confusion he answered " No? Hear what- " only to be cut off again " Shhh, quiet."






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