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years later after the fifth ghostface's death, roman bridger, sidney would had never thought he would leave a piece of him behind. during his killing spree and his life as a director, he slept with a woman, and she ended up pregnant with twins. she had no clue she was carrying two of his kids till after the ghost face incident, obviously freaked out, she didn't want them. why would she want two kids who were going to carry a murderer's dna?

nine months went by, and she gave birth to a girl and a boy. Y/N and ryan bridger. during those months, she was lucky enough to find them parents who were going to raise and care for them, because she refused to do so. after that, she never saw them again which gave her a chance to restart her life.

the twins were raised in a loving home in the town of woodsboro, not knowing any of their family's or father's history as their biological mother begged their adoptive parents to not tell them anything about roman or the killings. they even changed their last names.

with the stab franchise trending, they obviously grew up to find out about the dark history of the town they lived in and all the murders. but they still had no idea who their biological parents were.

Y/N met tara carpenter in elementary school and the two quickly became best friends. when her parents worked over time or were extremely busy, they would drop her and ryan off at the carpenters, and sam, tara's older sister, would babysit them along with their other friends, chad and mindy meeks who were also twins, and wes hicks.

with the amount of time that sam would watch them, Y/N began to see sam as an older sister, and they quickly formed a bond over time. it wasn't until sam found out the awful truth about her father, who was the original and first ghostface killer, billy loomis. this caused her family trouble, and tara's biological dad to abandon them. sam eventually had a downward spiral, and began to act out.

and when sam turned 18, she left to the city of modesto, leaving her sister behind. five years later, another ghostface killer began to terrorize the town again, after tara faced an attack when she was home alone, which caused sam to return back with her new boyfriend.

flashback :

one evening, Y/N was in the basement of her home organizing some of hers and ryan's old stuff when she came across an old folder that caught her eye, curiously she opened it and found two papers that read "adoption report."

confused as she was, she began to read over it and stopped towards the end of the paper that had a section that read "information about child before adoption".

her heart began to race, as she saw the name of a woman that wasn't her mothers, but she froze when she saw the next part: "biological father: roman bridger". she quickly picked up the next paper and saw that it was ryan's file and it also had the same names.

the papers fall out of her hands and she breaks down in tears. how could they keep this from her? she felt saddened that her "parents" lied to her and her brother. and that's not even the worst part. she was related to a known killer, just like sam.

enraged, she stood up and kicked the boxes infront of her, knocking all the stuff out as she grabs the two papers. she ran up the basement stairs storming into the living room where her parents were sitting down watching a movie, startling them.

"are you okay? we heard a noise down there." her father asks sounding concerned.

"when were you guys going to tell me and ryan that roman bridger is our real father!" Y/N manages to yell out as she raises her hand up to show them the papers she found.

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