"baby, stop crying. she ain't shit or nobody to cry for. that lady was a demon in human form, God just said it was time for her to go back to where she came from. hell." kayden said, cackling at his own joke as yamari mugged him.

"kayden, that is not nice, stop it."

"my bad, my bad, but forreal though. that lady ain't nobody to cry for so stop. i hated that lady with every bone in my body. i'm kinda glad she gone, me and my brother ain' gotta live in fear no more." kayden said, still trying to accept everything that happened.

"well if that makes you happy then i'll stop." yamari sniffled as he wiped his eyes. he looked at himself in the facetime camera to see his eyes puffy and red. "i hate how my eyes look after i get done crying." he sighed.

"yamari shutup."

"dang, why i gotta shutup?" yamari mugged the phone.

"cause you look gooood. yo lil sexy self, whew, you gon make me pass out if i keep lookin at you." kayden smiled, yamari laughing at him.

"eww, stop. you sound so cringy."

"you smiling though." kayden teased.

"whatever, nigga." yamari chuckled, looking back up at his house to see his parents standing in the window of the living room. he sighed before looking down at the phone. "kayden, i gotta go."

"aigh, baby. call me back or text me if you need me, ok?"

"okay, talk to you later.." yamari mumbled before he hung up the phone. taking a deep breath, yamari slowly got out of the car. he shut the door behind him before he made his way up to his front porch. he opened the door and walked in, closing and locking the door behind him. he walked into the living room to see his parents staring at him.

"wassup, son. how was your day?" yamari's father, mike asked him.

"it was ok, could've been better but.." yamari shrugged, feeling himself get nervous from the way they were looking at him.

"fix your attitude, boy." his mom mugged yamari as he stood there in shock.

"mama, i don't have a attitude." yamari frowned, wondering where all of the animosity came from.

"well fix your tone then." she remarked smartly as yamari took a deep breath, trying not to let his parents see him tear up.

"mia, i got it from here." his father said, putting his hand on his wife's shoulder. "you can go to bed since you're so tired."

ms jackson sighed before making her way upstairs, mumbling words that only she could hear.

"come here, yamari." his father then looked at him before going to take a seat on the couch. yamari hesitantly made his way to the couch before taking a seat beside his dad. he started to nervously fiddle with the strings of his jacket again, wondering if his mother told him what happened.

"you mother told me what she seen and—" before his father could finish, yamari immediately covered his face as he started to cry. he hated how sensitive he could be but at the moment he didn't care. crying was the only other way he could express himself without physically or verbally hurting someone and he would like to keep it this way.

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