Hygiene - Shower

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That's right, we cannot pass hygiene guys!


You know how when we were younger we would always HATE showering?? Well, let me tell you, that is not how we want to be now right? Don't you want to be That Girl with the nice smell that leaves people wondering why you smell the way you do? I think we all want to be like that! I aspire to be like that... Now here are some tips!

-Shower Everyday
You don't have to wash your hair everyday or take up an entire hour, it only takes me about five minutes every morning! I noticed that once I started doing this I felt more ready to conquer the day, I felt more awake (which is saying something since I spend a lot of hours at night reading on this app lol)! Lather up that loofa, swipe a razor at your pits and your done!

-Bodywash is Key
Guys... I literally met this girl that said she's O Natural and doesn't use body wash... ✋ Body wash is designed to be good for your body! If used properly... Don't take that out of context guys! Scrub a dub that stench and be rid of it! I always like to get a body wash that compliments my perfume so that I don't smell like ✨vanilla✨ and mahogany mangos! (Those do not pair well btw, I know from experience)

Don't think that just washing your kitty and pits is good... No. I noticed after a while that even your belly button needs to be cleaned lol! Lather up a loofa and scrub your arms, shoulders(especially if you have shoulder acne like me), back, booty cheeks, legs, feet even, pits, neck, hooha, booty crack, and I think that's it... Get off all those dead skin cells!!

-Shampoo & Conditioner
Omg guys... If you have a problem with greasy hair this is for you! Now don't come for me, I'm not a professional so if you don't like how I do stuff then you can go pay money for someone who actually knows what their talking about ok? Ok. So anyway, shampoo twice! Idk why exactly but it works wonders... Only lather the roots though, if you scrub the ends they will get very dry and damaged! Then after you've rinsed a million times to get ALL the shampoo out put the conditioner on the ends of your hair! What I do is I work it into my ends and then I just swipe my hands across the top of my head but not into the roots you know? Then I put my hair in a little clip so the shower can't rinse it and leave it for like 5-10 mins, this is when I would wash my body and shave and stuff.

Idk what to say, when I first started shaving my mom told me to never shave my hooha because it's so bad (she's very conservative) but it's actually not bad at all, do what makes YOU feel good! I'm not gonna tell you exactly how to shave (if you want me to, tell me in the comments and I will) but just make sure you exfoliate VERY good before... Your legs, pits and southern regions will stay smoother for longer!

Just remember guys, your shower time is very important... It's when you cry, laugh, sing, yell, and where you tell you deepest secrets... Your shower is always there for you!! ❤️

Question of the chapter - what's your favorite thing to do before you go to bed?

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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