Chapter- 3 Shopping

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"I don't think friends are supposed to make friends this damn horny."

"Hueh?!" Kaminari asked as he shoved another huge handful of popcorn in his mouth.

Sero slicked his black hair away from his face in an attempt to calm his raging cock. "Nothing. I'm just feeling a bit pent up right now."

Kaminari nodded in understanding as the two single sallies walked through the spring festival together. "I get that. It's been forever since I got laid."

"Same here man," Sero sighed in defeat.

"Think we should take Lore up on her offer to set us up with some of the nurses at her hospital?"

Sero looked at the bisexual man walking beside him. "Do you want to?"

Kaminari winced. "Not really?"

"Me either."

"Yeah? Min still blowing you up?" Kaminari asked in worry for his tall friend who tipped his head back to see the black starlight sky.

Sero smiled as he looked up at the dark world that reminded him of the woman he had just been complaining about leaving him pent up. "Not really. We've been on radio silence for the last week or so."

Careful not to wound his friend's too big heart, Kaminari murmured, "do you think you two will ever talk again?"

"I don't know. To be honest, I've been getting these weirdly aggressive pep talks lately, and I haven't been thinking too much about Mina recently. I don't know, I guess she's just been helping me see how much more I want out of my life."

Kaminari lept in front of Sero and threw an entire handful of popcorn at him in anger.

"What the fuck Denks?" Sero laughed as he brushed off the buttery attack.

"You've been getting peptalks from a girl?! And you didn't think to tell your bestie about this?!"

Sero shrugged his tatted shoulders. "It's not like I've asked her out or anything. We just keep..." Sero's eyes caught sight of a flash of beautiful black, "running...into each other."

Kaminari, like the uncivilized Pikachu he is, whipped around and ducked and weaved through the crowd to try and follow Sero's line of sight. "What? What are we looking at?"

Sero could not believe his luck when he recognized's Elise's swinging hips stalking through the crowd. She was flanked by two impeccably dressed suit clad men who were wearing dark shades despite it being close to midnight. "Ummm Denkles, I need to go."

"Go?! Go where??"

"After a woman way out of my league."

Sero kissed his best friend on the top of his head as he strode after the woman he was incredibly curious about. His long legs meant he caught up to her quickly, but he hesitated to reach out to her when he noticed the store she was walking into.

"Why are we going into a kid's toy store?"

Sero's gaze whipped down to see Kaminari, with another street food snack, in hand looking up at him expectantly. "What're you doing here?"

Kaminari snorted. "You tell me you're going after a woman out of your league, and you think I'm not coming with you? You know you'd be helpless without your bestest wingman!"

"Kiri is here?"

Kaminari's smile died. "I hate you."

Sero threw his arm over the shorter man's shoulders and laughed, "I'm sorry. That was mean, but it was just too convenient not to go for!"

Stygian  Seduction  (Hanta Sero x OC)Where stories live. Discover now