Chapter- 2 Friends

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Sero had his hero helmet under his muscular arm as he walked into Hawk's agency. The week following his agreeance to accept the undercover mission was filled with red tape clearances, interviews with the Hero Commission, psych evaluations, and paperwork. Now it was the first debriefing with his mission leader so his long strides were filled with nervousness and fear as he headed toward the darkened secret conference room.

His gloved knuckles wrapped against the thick metal door. "Hawks, it's Cellophane."

The door cracked open, and the jovial avian hero's marking-adorned eyes smiled up at him. "Cellophane! Welcome! You're just in time."

"I'm sorry. Am I late?"

"No no, not at all! We're just running a little ahead of schedule because of," Hawks's golden eyes flashed to the side as he intentionally vaugly said, "unforeseen circumstances."

Sero's pierced eyebrow cocked in confusion. "Unforeseen circumstances?"

Hawks ushered him inside. "You'll come to learn that flexibility and adaptability will be the two biggest staples of becoming a proficient undercover hero!"

"That and the ability to lie."

At the sound of that deep raspy sleep filled voice, Sero's naturally bright toothy smile erupted above his tatted neck. "Hitoshi! Hey man, how are you? I haven't seen you in ages!"

The underground purple-haired hero lazily shrugged. "I'm fine."

Shinso had never been particularly chatty, so the friendly hero wasn't off put what so ever by his lack of chit-chat. In fact, the only reason Sero had become so friendly with Shinso in the first place was that a year ago he had been dating his best friend in the world. Sero had been completely blindsided when Shinso and Kaminari broke up, for he- like everyone- assumed the two soulmates would surely be together forever. Alas ever since the breakup, Sero hadn't seen hide nor hair of the perpetually exhausted purple hero.

Like the good man he truly is, Sero clapped Shinso on his shoulder and smiled, "You take'n care of yourself, man? You look even more tired than usual."

Shinso scratched his purple five o'clock shadow-covered cheek. "Yeah, I'm good...thanks for asking."

"No worries! But what're you doing here?"

Hawks pointed his wing at Shinso and chirped, "he is the team leader on the Profit mission, so he and Dragonshroud are here to give you the rundown on that."

"Profit?" Sero ran his pierced tongue along the roof of his mouth as he murmured, "Profit is the drug that's been running rampant in underground markets recently, yeah? The one that temporarily gives people the ability to see bits and pieces of the future. Right?"

Rin Hiryu, another UA graduate from class 1B, nodded. "Indeed. Profit is our team's main focus right now due to the drug's dangerously addictive qualities and it's skyrocketing popularity in recent years."

"There is still a lot we don't know about it," Shinso sighed in frustration. "We know major yakuza names such as Yamaguchi-gumi have been major players in the field, but even though we know Yamaguchi has his fingers in numerous drug operations we still can't pinpoint where Profit comes from."

Sero nodded in understanding. "Okay, so will I be working with your team?"

"No," Hawks gave him a predatory smile that caused the 6'3 hero to feel more than a bit uneasy. The much shorter man clicked the projector on, and Sero's eyes widened in alarm.

"Your mission is simple; Infiltrate the New Shie Hassaikai."


Stygian  Seduction  (Hanta Sero x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang