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|100 follower special|

Location: ???

Metal squeezed his hands, choking the blue hedgehog pinned against the tree. The rodent flailed his legs, trying to reach the precious oxygen that was oh so far from his lungs. The killer robot squeezed harder, enjoying every second of his doppelgänger's torture.

Just a bit more-!

His surroundings vanished, along with the azure hedgehog. Metal buzzed in annoyance.

"Playtime's over." The robot turned his head a full one-eighty, watching as his creator, Dr. Eggman, unplugged a few cables from his abdomen. The newest addition to the Eggman Army, Sage, watched from behind. 

"That was a successful simulation, elder brother!" She said, smiling. 

Metal did not care about her compliment at all, frustrated that he was unable to finish off the hedgehog, even though it was a simulation.

The large screen on the wall let out some beeping, signaling that one of the Freedom Fighters were near.

The doctor frowned at this, clenching his fist.

"Now we have to deal with them." He muttered. The cameras feed showed the robot's doppelgänger, who was wrecking the place.

Metal rushed out the door, paying no heed to the doctor.

He ran into the hedgehog almost immediately, stunning him for a moment. He pulled himself together quickly, and smirked.

"Long time, no see! Joining the party, Mets?" He said. Metal clenched his fist, swinging it so he could land a hit. 

Sonic ducked, the tip of his ear barely missing. He swung his leg around, hitting the robot's abdomen. Metal got slammed into the wall, then pushed off of it, uppercutting the hedgehog.

The two get battling, landing punches and kicks on each other. Metal grabbed hold of Sonic, and swung him into the wall, hard. The azure hedgehog grunted, rubbing his head.

While the hedgehog stood up, Metal's sensors detected something new. High levels of energy was radiating off of the hedgehog, more than what he could normally produce.

There was only one explanation for this.

He had the Chaos Emeralds.

Buzzing could be heard as Metal processed this new information. He grabbed the already dazed hedgehog, and reached into his quills, trying to grab the emeralds. Noticing this, Sonic hissed and grabbed Metal's arm, pulling it with such force it tore off. Metal twitched at this, then used his remaining arm to pin the hedgehog against the wall. 

Not long after, a large weight hit Metal, knocking him in the opposite direction. The blue badnik focused his sensors on a female hedgehog helping his doppelgänger up.


Identity: Amy Rose

Status: Freedom Fighter

Metal processed the information, then zoomed past them, grabbing the pink hedgehog while he did. He held her from her scruff, keeping her from escaping. He held her behind him, staring emotionlessly at the hedgehog.

If looks could kill, Sonic would have murdered him by now.

It was obvious what he demanded.

"Sonic! Don't give them, I'll be fine!" Amy said. She summoned her hammer and pounded it against the robot, trying to prove her point.

If only the fake didn't rip my arm off.

He knew that if he was a living, breathing mobian like the others, he probably would've fallen unconscious from blood loss.

"Sonic, there you are!" Metal turned his head, noticing a two-tailed fox and an echidna.

The yellow fox —Tails— went into a defensive position as he saw the badnik.

"Metal?! But didn't we destroy you a while ago?"

Metal stared as an answer, since he had no voice box to reply. At this moment, Amy freed herself and slammed her hammer into the robot's side, leaving a big dent.

Metal ignored the commands sent by the doctor telling him to retreat. He had one thing on his mind now, and it was to destroy the intruders.

Metal used his remaining arm to punch the mobians, but was constantly knocked around, due to the damage done on his body. Currents of electricity would run through his shell every few seconds, causing him to slightly malfunction.

Knuckles got shocked when he tried to land a punch on the badnik. Maybe this wasn't so bad, after all.

Metal finally landed a hard punch on the hedgehog, knocking the Chaos Emeralds out of his quills. He grabbed hold of the hedgehog's neck, squeezing hard. The hedgehog struggled for air as the badnik dodged the attacks from his friends.

Then, a thought ran through the robot's head.

How does he feel, being choked to death?

Metal did not notice the seven emeralds glowing as Sonic tried to draw them towards him. A surge of energy went through his body, overriding any command he sent to his remaining limbs.

Metal knew that something was going on, as his vision became blank and his sensors got busted. He felt an unfamiliar sensation run through his body, and then everything blanked out.

The robot let go of a now glowing hedgehog as he fell to the ground, losing any senses he had.



I had this idea for quite a while >:3

Thank u guys SO much for 100 followers! We have come such a long way, and there is still more to come!

I wish each and every one of u a wonderful day/night!

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