Chapter 6: It Just Keeps Getting Better

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Me, Evie, and Mal all had the same room. As we entered my heart dropped. All around I saw pink pink PINK. Some people say "you can never have to much pink" no honey I'm sorry you can. I felt like I was going to throw up. "This place is so amaz-" before Evie could finish what I know she was going to say Mal cut her off. "Gross" she smacked her gum and looked around again. Evie looked down. "I know right amazingly gross" I watched her as her face started smiling as she looked around again. I almost smiled but then remembered what the room looked like and stopped myself.

Evie helps Mal "fix" the room by pulling the curtains shut so no light can come in. "Well. . . Thats a little better" I say standing up from my bed. "Yeah it will have to do" Mal said sadly. "I'm going for a walk" I say standing up and walking out of the door before they can respond.

I walked out into the cool night breeze the smell of the ocean calming me. I walked down the stairs and onto the patio. I sat down and closed my eyes breathing steadily. I was thinking about everything I have been through and everything I will go through. We are doing the right thing? Right? Of course we are we are making are parents happy and thats what matters right? I thought to myself.

Apparently I was so lost in though that I didn't realize the person sitting down next to me. Although I quickly realized who it is. Carlos. For some reason me and him clicked. We always knew where eachother were going and how to find us. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his on my head. We stayed like that for a long while in comfortable silence.

Out of nowhere came that jerk from earlier. "Oh what's this Cruella De Vils son and Ursulas daughter" she cackled. I raised my head and Carlos turned his whole body to see her. "Oh my gosh has it ever occurred to you that villains can have friends?" I asked. She had a very stern face. Just before she answered I cut her off. "No because apparently stupid little uneducated jerks don't believe that we even have a heart" I said suddenly standing up.

Carlos stood up to and just looked at me. "How can you even say you have a heart?" She snidly asked. "Because I'm still breathing" I retorted sassily. I grabbed Carlos' hand and took him back to our rooms. We hugged eachother and said goodnight. I had to sleep but I felt an uneasy feeling.

The Villian Kids (Y/n × Carlos De Vil)Where stories live. Discover now