Round 2

20 1 0

Italy is determined to survive this.Germany reloads his shotgun, just in case.Switzerland does her best to avoid Turkey.America hopes to get everyone out of here.Turkey disappears for a while and comes back with a wizard robe he just found...
He slips it on, scattering sparkles everywhere.Belarus tosses a live grenade at Switzerland, who is instantly blown to smithereens!Russia finds himself face-to-face with North Korea and shoots him dead with his gun!Ukraine still can't believe Belarus killed someone...Vietnam seems unshaken by any of this.Estonia spots something shiny in the distance.France wants to protect Belarus!Kuchisake Japan doesn't really understand what's happening.Jester sics his pet tiger on Italy!
Italy gets mauled to laces by the ravenous animal!Greece sets down a trap.Pierrot gets caught in one of Greece's traps... What a stupid mistake! She should have known better.
All she can do now is hope to be freed...Thailand waves their magic wand around, sending sparkles everywhere.Britain tries to kill Turkey, but Turkey's wizard robe has already carried him away to safety!

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