Chapter 10: Trashy yet Classy

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, I had you all wrong." I watched as she turned to me and smiled.

"What did you think I was like? A self-centred, spoiled rich girl, who got everything given to her?" She let out this cute laugh and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"In all honesty, yeah I actually did." She shook her head.

"You're a horrible judge of character, I hope you know that" She gave me a small shove and continued to look the view.

"Yeah, I'm starting to realize that" I laughed and looked at her. I saw something flash in her eyes but it was gone a second later. I had seen that same look flash in her eyes throughout the day, even the one night I saw her sitting outside.

"So who took you here?" I couldn't help but ask. There's no way she just happened upon this place.

I saw her let out a big breath and realized maybe it wasn't the right thing to ask. "Look sorry, you don't have to talk about it," I smiled down at her. She looked up and shook her head. She turned back to face the view.

"It's fine, my mom took me here before she died." I didn't say a word. She waited a minute then continued.

"She died from Cancer five years ago. She had stage 4 lung cancer. In her last months, she used to take me to a lot of different places with these amazing views. I always asked her why but she would never really tell me. She would just sh me and tell me to forget the world for a minute." I watched a small smile form to her lips.

"I think now that I'm older I realize why she did it. She wanted me to always have a place I could go and remember her by. Remember the way she smiled and laughed."

"I bet she was an amazing woman," I smiled and Oceane smiled back. Silence fell upon us as we watched the sunset.

"You were right you know," I said and Oceane looked at me with a confused expression.

"Someone did hurt me," I smiled at her and when she didn't say anything I continued.

"I had been dating Melina for two years. Then my parents told me we were moving, and Melina decided it would be best to end things, you know not drag things out. One week later she was seeing my best friend and teammate." I let out a small laugh.

"At first, I was pissed, but then I realized how much of a bitch she was. I mean she put Regina George to shame. I couldn't believe I never realized what a stuck up bitch she was. Anyway, I think that's why I judged you so harshly at first." Oceane was silent for a long time before she finally spoke.

"She's an idiot." Was all she said and honestly, I was glad. She looked up at me and smiled. Her smile was infectious and I couldn't help but break into a smile as well.

"Got that right," I said with a cheeky grin.

"So how many times have you watched Mean Girls?" She snickered. I shoved her.

"I have a younger sister!" I tried to defend myself but it was no use Oceane was laughing and was beginning to call who I assumed was Liz. I shook my head and began walking to the car.

"Hey wait up!" Oceane called from behind me. I turned and smirked at her.

"Paybacks a bitch!" I yelled and quickly raced to the car. I started the Jeep and drove off as I watched Oceane race after the car.


Oceane's P.O.V

After 10 minutes of Levi making me chase after the car, he finally let me in. Then he wouldn't stop laughing, so I had to drive. He spent most of the drive to the bar laughing. I finally had enough and slammed on the brakes so fast he smacked his fat head on the dashboard. Needless to say, he shut up after that.

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