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???: "....Hello"

Charlie was terrified, someone, no.....something was in her room even though she locked the door. She knew it wasn't her parents because they would have just opened the door using their magic. But whoever was in her room got in there without opening the door.

She was terrified but...curious. She wondered who it could be, an overlord maybe? she sometimes sees her father doing business with them, of course she never actually interacted with them, her father never allowed her to due to them being a little......Psychotic. 

The young Charlie slowly peaks her head under the blanket. Once she is able to see what is in front of her, she freezes once again. It was a....human? Charlie didn't know much about humans, the only knowledge she had about them is when her father rants about how much he hates them and nothing else, so as you can imagine that seeing one for the first time in her life was a shock for her.

Now you must be wondering, if Charlie never saw one before, how would she know what one would look like?. Well it's very simple really....it's the eyes. Eyes are the gateway to the soul, and if one is talented enough they can see though them. Luckily for Charlie, being the daughter of the devil has it's perks. So when she saw the eyes of the human in front of her, she didn't see the usual things she saw when looking at her parents or other demon's eyes. This time she saw....well she couldn't really make sense of it, but she knew it was different! 

Looking away from the human's eyes she looked at it's body.....his body to be precise. The human was a young man who looked to be in his teenage years. He wore a white dress shirt with black dress pants, followed by a black tie. He wore a neutral expression on his face, never once cracking a smile or frown. She looked back at his eyes, he looked at hers. He looked on with inquisitiveness, studying her facial expressions and trying to figure her out.

After the two of them looking at each other like some deer stuck in headlights, she decided to say something to break the tension.

Charlie: "H-hello..." Charlie stuttered out in anticipation of what the human was going to say.

The man looked at her trying to understand what was in front of him. 

???: "...why are you crying?" the man asked a couple seconds later. 

Charlie had completely forgotten why she was in her room. The memories came flooding back like a dam that was about to break, and break it did. She started to cry once again, completely forgetting about the thing in front of her.

The man, startled by her sudden crying, thought of a different approach. So her decided to ask her another question.

Y/N: "My name is Y/N, what's yours?" He asked in a soft and gentle tone as he kneeled in front of her, tilting his head in curiosity. 

Charlie, still crying looked up at Y/N with confusion. Not because of the fact that he had asked her for her name, but how he asked her for it. He was being kind, something she rarely saw someone be, her mother being the exception. 

Charlie: "C-charlie" She said starting to calm down 

Y/N: "Charlie?....that is a wonderful name"  Y/N said looking at Charlie with a smile

Charlie had now stopped crying, and once Y/N complimented her, she couldn't help but crack a smile at the human's kindness. Wait.....human kindness..........HUMAN!!!!!!. Charlie forgot that an actual human was in front of her. Well.....was he a human? She still didn't know for sure, so she decided to ask.

Charlie: "Umm...Y/N, your a human....right?" She asked in a shy manner, not knowing whether or not the question itself was stupid.

 Y/N: "Hmmmmmmm......yes" He said in a joking but playful manner. Charlie let out a giggle at the human's humor.

Charlie: "W-what are you doing in my room?" 

Y/N: "To help you of course, you were crying" Y/N said as Charlie looked at him with suspicion.

Charlie: "Why?" Charlie asked the human.

Y/N: "Does there need to be reason?" He said as Charlie looked at him wide eyed as she realized something.

Charlie: "He's like me...." Charlie thought while Y/N asked another question.

Y/N: "Now, back to my previous question...why were you crying?" He asked as Charlie looked down in sadness.

Charlie: "...Daddy yelled at me" She said as Y/N looked at her with worry, trying to understand the situation.

Y/N: "Why?"

Charlie: "He said I wasn't what I was supposed to be....that I was different" Charlie said as she started to tear up again but was stopped as Y/N sat next to her and put his hand on her head.

Y/N: "Hey it's ok if your different, that's what makes you unique.....and special" Y/N said as he stroked her hair in a comforting manner.

Charlie: "What do you mean?" Charlie asked the human whilst turning her head to look at him.

Y/N: "......you being...well you, is going to allow you to be able to do a very.....special thing." Y/N said, further confusing the child.

Charlie: "Like what?" She asked, but before Y/N could answer, the door suddenly opened revealing the queen of hell holding a piece of blueberry pie.

Lilith: Hello sweetie, mind if I come in?" Lilith asked as Charlie gained a smile seeing her mother in her door frame. But she soon remembered what was sitting next to her as she turned her head back to where Y/N was but........he wasn't there. She started to look around the room searching for her new friend, but she didn't find him.

Lilith: "Are you ok sweetie?" 

Charlie looked back at her mother before reassuring her mother that she was ok. Lilith then sat down besides her daughter and offered her some pie, which she accepted. While she was eating she couldn't help but think

Charlie: "What was that?, where did he go?, was any of that real?, who was he?" As Lilith began to comfort her daughter from her husband's sudden outburst.  

To be continued.........

An Imaginary Friend (Hazbin Hotel x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now