2. Rhea Ripley - Riptide

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A/N: First of all a huge thanks to miaemi09 !

And I didn't know what to call the chapter. This means the title has nothing to do with the story itself.


You lean against the turnbuckles breathing heavily. Miz/Bayley let the fans cheer for her/him. Suddenly a theme, you haven't heard in a long time, starts playing and the lights go violet.

"Just step into the dark, it's waiting
Take your vow, it's time"

You look at the ramp. No one. You furrow your eyebrows when you suddenly hear a loud noise. Your head turns back to your opponent and you see your older brother beating your opponent/distracting your opponent. The referee was nowhere to be seen.

"You okay?", asks a familiar voice.

You turn to look at the person. Rhea "bloody" Ripley. While promos or matches she might seem like the devil herself, but in real life she's a sweetheart.

"Yeah. I'm fine.", you push yourself away from the turnbuckles.

You lost your balance and fall to the front. Luckily, Rhea catches you.

She chuckles, "I see."

She helps you to stand up properly.

"Thank you.", you say.

Rhea shakes her head, "No problem.", she looks outside the ring.

You look in the same direction she looked at. Priest was standing there, waving and giving the other two some kind of sign.

"We gotta leave. See you backstage, love.", she smiles.

You watch as The Judgment Day disappears as quickly as they appeared. To clear your mind you shook your head. You turned your attention back to your opponent.

Soon the referee has also been able to get back into the ring. You take Miz/Bayley by his/her wrist and pull him/her to his/her feet.

With an Irish whip, you send Miz/Bayley into the ring corner. You run up to him/her and hit him/her with a clothesline. After a DDT you use your finisher and pin your opponent.

1. 2. 3. And your winner is...

You somehow manage to stand up. The referee takes your hand and holds it up. A smile creeps onto your face while you hold with your not raised hand your stomach. You can still feel that one last kick from Miz/Bayley. The referee lets go of your hand. You get out of the ring and take a last look at your defeated opponent before getting back to your locker room.

Becky Lynch, whose match was next, comes across. She congratulates you on your victory and you thank her. Sadly you couldn't talk much longer because her music already starts playing and she had to leave.

You watch her leave before you start to walk again. The first thing you do when you arrived in the locker room was removing the tape from your wrists and finger. Since when is this so sticky? While you try to get that stuff away from your hands someone knocks on the door.

"Get in.", you say while trying to remove it with your teeth.

The door opens and Rhea steps in. You immediately stop what you were doing.

"Oh. Demi. Hi.", you say and start to blush a bit.

"Am I bothering you? Is it the wrong timing?", she asks.

"No. No no no. You never do. Everything's fine.", you try to play it cool.

Rhea smiles.

"You can sit down if you want.", you offer her.

She nods and closes the door behind her. The bench next to you was empty. That's where she took a seat.

"I wanted to congratulate you on your victory. You definitely deserved it. It's a bummer that it wasn't a match for his/her championship."

"If it would have been her/she would have fought much more unfairly."

Rhea chuckles, "That's true. But now you have a reason why you deserve a championship match."

"Yeah.. I mean Hunter told me already he had some plans for me."

"Maybe you get to be the villain soon."

Now it was your turn to laugh, "Me and a villain? I can't even look mean!"

"Well. I can give you some lessons. And I'm sure you can do that. I mean... does nothing piss you off?"

"Well. Yes, of course. But still!"

"We'll see.", she leans back and looks at you, "That new ring gear looks good on you.", she admits.

You look down at your pants, "You think so?"

"Yep. It looks amazing."

"Thanks..", you look away so Rhea can't see your pink cheeks

You hear something from the hallway. Afterward, Rhea stands up. You look back at her.

"I have to go. But what about this, we'll meet up after the show and do something together? How does this sound?", Rhea suggests while adjusting her outfit.

"Sounds amazing."

"Perfect. Then we have a date. See you then.", and she's gone.

Did she actually just say, you had a date?

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