Chapter 1:

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~~ Time ~~ 7:46 a.m. ~~ The Henderson Driveway~~

"Dustin, hurry your ass up or you can ride your bike to school!" Nathan yelled from the doorway. Soon enough, a thumping sound confirmed that Dustin was running from the hallway and he jumped out the door.

Nathan closed the door behind him and walked out to his car. A red bug convertible. He got a small car for the irony because he's 6'0" tall.
Dustin was already buckled up in shotgun, organizing his backpack filled with messy papers. Normally he's more organized because he rides his bike to school but in Hawkins Indiana, there was freezing cold winters and scorching hot summers. Today was a cold-car-ride-day.
Nathan opened the door and slipped inside the driver's seat of his Beetle.
"What took you so long?" Nathan asked, starting his car.
"I was looking for my hat," he responded, still digging through his backpack. Nathan rolled his eyes at the comment, considering they're just barely making time, then sped off to Hawkin's High.

~~ Time Skip ~~ 7:53 a.m. ~~ Hawkin's High Parking Lot. ~~

Nathan rounded the final corner, turning into the high school's parking lot.
He turned over to Dustin once he found a spot and parked. "Have a good day. And remember, if someone picks on you, come to me."
Dustin rolled his eyes. "Ok, Hercules, fine."
Dustin got out of the car and ran the couple of yards to the middle school just next door to the 'ragtag group of nerds' he always hangs out with.
Nathan slammed the door shut and scanned over the parking lot until he spotted a familiar Maroon BMW, with a familiar former king, and a familiar bitch.

Nancy Wheeler. She used to be nice until she started dating the former "Hawkin's High King" Steve Harrington, who also was his former friend until eighth grade.

Steve and Nathan used to be close, meeting in probably one of the most stupid ways ever, in Kindergarten, on the swing set, deciding 'Hey! We're both lonely and friendless, let's be friends!' until eighth grade rolled around, and Steve graduated from braces (his teeth were one of the most fucked up things ever.) And he started hanging around the gross couple Tommy H. and Carol.
One of the worst parts was, it was during that 'weird time' that Nathan blamed puberty for. Having an enormous crush on Steve. He then put two and two together considering he always stared at the boys on the television, and not the girls. So, in teenager 80's terms, he's a fag.

Then a roaring engine broke Nathan from his thoughts. He turned around, spotting a Blue Camaro shooting at lightning speed into the parking lot, it was surprising it didn't hit the Stop Sign. How ironic.

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