21. all hell breaks loose

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"It's okay, Lilith. It's good to know," he responded calmly, understanding her and almost comforting her, which made Lilith feel even worse. She lit another cigarette. "Please don't tell Dean, though. It will make things much worse. Ever since my blood didn't turn out human, he's become overprotective, wanting to leave everything behind and go on vacation. Please don't say anything, at least for a few more months."

"Alright," she reluctantly agreed, her doubt evident. "Dean will hate me, and I don't want him to hate me. He's really worried about what's happening to you. He almost died when you disappeared. Let's avoid more trouble."

Sam didn't respond. She had to look at the screen to make sure they were still on the call.

"I'll call you tomorrow, Lilith," he hurriedly ended the call.

Damn it! She didn't have a single moment of happiness. Every small escape lasted too little. It became increasingly difficult to bear, like the drug itself. The more she had it, the more resistant it became, and she needed more and more to feel alive again. When would it end? Would there be a happy ending, or would she continue to suffer the consequences?

Lilith waited for Sam's call with the feeling that she had caused a fight between the brothers or unleashed a delirium in her best friend. Nevertheless, she kept her phone nearby. She received a call from Dean at night. It wasn't good news. Once again, Sam was missing, but this time they knew the culprits: demons. They needed her help.

She took the first available flight to Nebraska, where Dean and Bobby were waiting for her at a motel near what used to be Harvelle's Roadhouse, the hunters' tavern. In a quick and concerned exchange of words, Dean explained what had happened, adding to the mysticism and danger surrounding Sam's disappearance. The tavern had been burned down to silence Ash, who had discovered important information about the demon with yellow eyes. Lilith had personal interests in him that severed her ties with the Winchesters; it was personal. Pandora didn't give her permission to leave the coven, not after what she had done. Lilith had to tell her the truth, about the special children and the powers that arose, like an extraordinary witch. That piqued Pandora's interest.

The taxi dropped her off at the motel gates. It was a spacious place with rooms extending in a U-shape in a desolate area, kilometers away. It was in the middle of nowhere, thrown away like trash, but it turned out to be a savior for hunters and long road trips. She identified the Impala parked in one of the rooms farthest from the reception. She stopped in front of the door, ready to knock, but she couldn't. An external force slammed her head against the helpless wood.

"I was expecting to find you here, Lilith," a voice said.

The unexpected blow disoriented her for a moment. Her small bag with various witchcraft gadgets fell to the ground. Lilith composed herself to analyze what had just happened. A werewolf looked at her thirstily, claws ready to kill, and a vindictive smile with fangs. The witch felt fear, but she formed her purple magic around her hand. Suddenly, two other werewolves, triple her size, emerged from the forest across.

"What do you want?" Lilith already imagined the worst. How had they found her? She had always been very discreet when leaving Salem, covering her tracks and using spells created by Edith Rossi herself.

"Vendetta," one of them said, the one farthest away.

In an instant, Lilith was pulled into the room just as the werewolf who had hit her lunged forward, wanting to devour her. She saw Bobby locking the door and felt Dean's arms throw her to the other side of the room. A part of her returned knowing they were alive. Without a doubt, the werewolves had caught them off guard too. They only had a 9mm handgun and a short shotgun to defend themselves. Lilith approached the door and cast a spell to make it more resistant to the werewolves' kicks.

LILITH | DEAN WINCHESTER [ ✓ ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat