"When You Are Young They Assume You Know Nothing"

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When you are young they assume you know nothing ,
But in your heart, there's a fire that's burning.
You see the world with a fresh set of eyes,
And with each passing day, you start to realize.

You're full of questions and curious to know,
What makes the world turn, and now it all flows.
You soak up information like a sponge in the sea,
And every experience makes you feel more free.

But some may look at you with doubt and disbelief,
As if your thoughts and opinions are just a fleeting leaf.
They your underestimate strength and your power,
But little do they know that you'll bloom like a flower.

For in your youth, you hold a sense of wonder,
A gift that's rare and one to pounder.
You see the world with a pure, untainted heart,
And you know that love is where it all starts.

So don't let anyone ever tell you that you don't know,
For in your heart, there's a bright, shining glow.
You are full of potential, and destined for greatness,
And on your journey, you'll find your own uniqueness.


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