{Chapter 1}

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"Your stepmother is truly something."

I smiled as I looked away from my friend and King, Leonel Ordis. He laughed at the prospect of the tale that I shared with him.

"She feared her life when I dismissed her brother and the other leeches from the royal council," I went on while crossing my feet. "But I am serious, Leon. Had her attempt of poisoning me successful, I would have become impotent."

Leon shared a sympathetic gaze and continued drinking his tea while I reminisced about incidents from the past. Three years have passed since I was crowned King. My second order was to get rid of that leech Alvin Conroy. My stepmother, now the Queen Dowager, was not at all pleased. Ever since I came into power, she almost lost all her allies. I was close though.

During these years, I have done many things to ensure the kingdom's safety and serve it. Nesaire, the neighbouring kingdom had to be dealt with severely.

More like its former King, Thessian Avris. One year into my reign, he decided to attempt to conquer Isfere. I had to step into the battlefield and put him in his place.

A few months later, his younger and popular brother, Theodore ascended the throne. No one knows where his older brother was but that doesn't matter now.

But all these years, I never had a rest. I did everything in my power to get rid of my stepmother's control over me. She still was the caretaker and guardian of the castle, managing the accounts and dealing with the servants. I didn't allow her to remain close to politics and implemented a special rule which would ensure that she couldn't attend a single meeting.

Even if I removed her strongest ally, her brother, it wasn't enough. Because she seemed to have someone who informed her of every decision I took.

My head began aching as I pulled the small sandbag out of my pocket and started squeezing it. The new royal physician recommended this method to control my nerves and so far, I could say that it worked.

"You should visit Flaundia more often, Rysen," my eyes darted up when Leon said that.

"My kingdom needs me more and you know it," was my blank response.

No one knew the true purpose of my visit to a faraway foreign kingdom. But some were aware I had a pen-friend from back in the day. Leon was still the crown prince, attending banquets and ceremonies with his mother.

I had met him during a banquet in Isfere. It was sad that he stopped doing that when his mother tragically passed when he was thirteen But we still maintained a close relationship through letters and often sent each other small gifts. It was just that now I needed a bigger present from him if I could put it that way.

Flaundia was a kingdom was beauty and peace and everyone I saw so far was happy. Leon was a good king, I knew that. "Have you seen the gardens thoroughly?" he asked with excitement.

"Now that you mention it, not thoroughly."

Flaundia was famed for its gardens. Leon once told me that there was no flower they could not find in this garden and was extremely proud of it. He had extremely delicate tastes in flowers and artefacts.

"You know, you are asking me to give away our most cherished lotus to you," He said, clasping his hands. "Thats too much to ask, friend."

Even after all the proposals, he wasn't convinced. "Leon, you know the reason why I'm here," I tried to convince him again. "Regina needs to be put in her limits and I can't do that without getting married. I need to wed a woman I am certain is far away from that woman's manipulation and your sister...might be the one."

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