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I wait until everyone, even the dragons, are asleep. I stand up. I let out a yawn. Now or never. I creep through the tangle of limbs and tails. I manage to get out without any sort of trouble. It should be around here somewhere. I look up. So many stars, but there was one specific one I was looking for. The star which made the head of the serpent constellation. 

I at last spot it. Now all I have to do is walk towards it. I take one look back to make sure they were all asleep. Good. Everyone snored and growled. I walk through the fields. The cold night breeze flows through my hair. I feel it everywhere. The air was cold and gripping.

I come onto a cliff starring down at a river coiled like a serpent. Finally. After months of searching and researching. I've finally found what will change everything for me. This will make the Dragon Hunters weep. I smile at the river. I walk toward the cliffs edge. One jump and this will change my life. I was about to walk of the cliff and jump of the edge.

Yet, I think about Astrid and the others. What will they say? What will this power do to my relationship. I can't lose her. Yet, I almost did. I keep almost losing people. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of this war. I needed to end this quickly. I'm so tired of fighting. Every day is a war. Every day I struggle.

No more. No more. I take a breath before falling off the cliff. I slam into the water. It's dark. It's warm. There's this black figure near the bottom as I sink down. I see a rope of bubbles dragging me down. Then I see it. A thing coiled up and red like magma. It had scales like spikes on every inch. I see it move. I see it come up to me. I see its head. Its eyes were red like fire. It stuck its black tounge out at me. 

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