Chapter 16 - Caught in the Act

Start from the beginning

"Not to mention strong," added Libby.

Umium smiled, then looked more serious. "Libby, don't you... miss your old home? I wouldn't know what it's like, joining a different Pack, but I can imagine it being difficult ."

Oh. Libby didn't really like the abrupt shift to a more serious topic of conversation, but they knew they couldn't let Umium down. "I mean, I miss home, especially Mom and Dad and my friend, Alice. I wish they were still around. now I've been at here for almost half a season-cycle. Dark Stones may not be Fading Shadows, but by now it's home all the same. I don't think I'd be comfortable hunting in the open Plains by now, I've gotten used to the constant musky scents, birdsong and shadows of the forest."

Umium nodded understandingly. "That makes sense. I hope you enjoy your time at Dark Stones. I know we're not a perfect Pack--" Libby followed her gaze to a part of the rendezvous where a group consisting of Snow-white, Pearl and Ktea were talking "--but I'm glad it's home to you and Alex."

As if her saying his name had summoned him, Libby's brother entered the rendezvous site with a snowshoe hare between his jaws. He moved past Snow-white's little crew, looking absentminded, and dropped off his catch in the prey-cave. Alex left the clearing behind almost as soon as he had entered it and headed in north-eastern direction.

Not this time! Libby narrowed their eyes. In the past week, they still hadn't been able to identify what Alex was hiding, but something told them this was their shot. They looked back at Umium, then at the youngster's cave. I have to finish this, dangit. But if Alex is acting suspicious, it might be for the good of the Pack that I find out what it is...

"Libby?" Umium tilted her head. "Is something wrong?"

Libby looked back at the gray-and-cream she-wolf. "I need to check something. Can you cover the rest of my chores? I'll return soon, I promise."

Umium raised a brow in confusion, but didn't seem to want to press for any details. "Okay, but be quick!"

Libby instantly got up and exited the rendezvous where Alex had left it. His scent was strong. At first they wanted to follow him and confront him with where he was going, but they quickly thought better of it. Maybe staying hidden and stalking him to see what he is up to would be better.

Staying low in the underbrush, Libby followed their brother's scent. With them moving slowly in order to not alert him of their presence, Alex's scent got fainter, but still strong enough to follow. He kept moving strictly into the north-eastern direction of the territory. Why is he going there of all places? What about the dogs?

After stalking him for a while, the underbrush grew less thick, until eventually all that remained was some open trees with semi-tall green grass and the occasional shrubbery and scattered boulder. Libby had to be extra careful not to be seen, as they could spot Alex at a distance. He seemed completely unaware of them following him. That was, until he stopped and looked around. Libby quickly ducked behind a large rock and pressed themself to the ground. Don't notice me, don't notice me. They hid like this for a couple breaths, until finally they had the courage to slightly lift their head. At first they perked their ears above the rock. No sounds other than the usual birdsong and rustling of summer leaves. They then dared to raise their head over the rock. Alex had vanished from sight, but his scent remained.

Slowing down their pace even more and making sure they were up-wind, Libby kept zig-zagging in Alex's direction, from one obstacle to hide behind to another, sometimes taking short breaks to make sure Alex hadn't noticed them.

Libby's hair raised when they recognized another scent blowing their way. Dog. It had the same smell that they and Katie had found on their swimming trip. Libby frowned determinedly. I have to save Alex and then warn the Pack!

Dark Stones #1: The Rising DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now