Chapter 14

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Zion Sullivon

I woke up to someone calling me. It was Silas. God how long must I have slept for him to actually come to my dorm and wake me up.

"What's the time?", I said drowsily covering my eyes with a hand. "It's 10 am my guy!  Wake up!", he said shaking me.

"God GOD I AM AWAKE!", I said jolting up. I rubbed my eyes and groggily went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took a bath and wore a blue shirt, a jacket and trousers. I got out of the bathroom to be met by a very curious Silas.

"So what happened yesterday? You didn't text me or update me shit!", he said a little infuriated. I hope it's only a little. "I was worried sick!", he yelled. Okay maybe not a little....he is mad.

"Uh well...just let me explain.", I said.

"I am all ears.", he said.

"Yesterday, after surfing through all the clues I found out that the milk that Ms Quinn asked to be delivered, had pills in it. Oliver, the one who delivered it, was previously threatened by Fisher, himself. So, he had to do what he was told because his and his grandmother's lives were at stake. We got to know all this because, Oliver had attacked me last night and due to lack of skills, it was much easier to get a hold of him. He told us everything when we were questioning him. Officer Ryan, seemed to be very guilty because of what happened to Ms Quinn, so he decided to take Oliver to some remote place away from his hometown, and keep him and his grandmother safe. So, if we are to capture Fisher somehow and present him in court, they can give their testimony against him. After resolving all this I reached here by 3am so I couldn't text you, sorry.",I said.

Silas had been listening attentively.

"It's fine. I was just so worried and stressed I just couldn't wait to hear what happened.", he said looking at me apologetically.

"Well what's done is done. Now let's just think on what we should do next.", I said.

"You have your breakfast, first. I will inform Ezra on all the details. Then we can chalk out a plan.", he said leaving my dorm.

I looked through my phone to see if I had received any emails. I hadn't received any mails yet. Then it suddenly struck me. Valentino had asked me to text him after I returned home safely. Well, it's not my fault I had forgotten about it. I was too worn out. I, opened his messages. This man had been texting me Good mornings and nights and I just realised it now!

I was starting to feel a bit guilty now for not replying him back. But come on we hooked up just once, and how am I supposed to trust this person? He literally almost had a criminal record. Well for now to lift this guilt of my shoulders, I did text him. I mean he did help me yesterday.

Hey I am sorry I couldn't text you yesterday. I got off work very late. I was too tired so I fell asleep. Thank you for your help yesterday.

Yeah now I feel much better. To my surprise he had already read my text as soon as I sent it. Was he waiting for it or what? I saw a bubble with dots appear. So he was texting something.

Thanks for telling me! I was getting a bid worried cause I didn't see you at the Cafe today.

Oh yeah, the Cafe. I was supposed to go there around 6:30 am or so. I can't possibly go now, it's crowded with customers now.

"I owe you for helping me out yesterday. I'll treat you something tomorrow.," I texted.

"So it's a date :)," he texted back. I mentally slapped myself as I had dug my own grave.

Fine. Tomorrow meet me at the Cafe around 7am.", I texted.

"Okay.",he texted back.

Hmm, two more dates and it will be over. I made myself some toast and coffee in the small kitchen linked to my dorm, for breakfast. At around 11am, I  reached the agency headquarters. I was met by Ezra. He had a grave expression on his face. Yay!

"I have heard about all the incidents that have taken place.", he said.

"Sir I'll try my best to not let it happen again.", I said determined.

"I hope you keep up to your words. We are here to save people not throw them under the bus. From now on, use disguises when you meet someone. Fisher now definitely knows your identity and will try to erase all the evidences you gather. So be careful.", he said firmly.

"Yes sir.", I said.

"Everyone, come to my office by 11:30. We will discuss the plan.", he announced and headed towards his office. Around, 11:25 we all had gathered there.

He leaned to his desk and started to brief out the plan.

"We know James's interview is due on 9th June which is just 5 days from now. Aarvi, you will interview him. Zion, you will disguise as a janitor and try to extract as much information as possible. Within, these few days we must question the victims' families and as Zion had already pointed out, if their behavior matches with Odgen we might have a clear idea on the initial effects of the drug and after how long its effect finally starts to show. Zion, Silas and Hera, will be questioning the victims. Am I clear?",he said.

"Yes sir!", we all said in unison.

While we were leaving his office, I felt my phone buzz. I looked into it to see that I had received a mail.

I opened the mail to see Ms Quinn's forensic report. She was killed due to overdosage of drugs and the same drug had been notified to be present in the milk. I went back to the office and conveyed the necessary data to Ezra.

Around, 1pm me, Silas and Hera had left to find the victims' families and question them regarding their death.

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