Lucile Romano

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In was early morning in the hotel when the portal opened, out came the staff of the hotel, cheery and in good spirits from their recent vacation to the living world. Alastor's shadows were still flying around the hotel, cleaning up and looking after the guests, just as all should have been. Everything was in it's place, and no one seemed to be in any sort of danger, which made Charlie rather happy.

"Gotta admit, it's good to be home!" Angel exclaimed, stretching his arms, "It'll be good to be in my own bed again."

"I missed my stuffed animals!" Anya chimed in, swinging her arms by her side, "We should go on a vacation again though."

"Well, maybe we can in the-" Charlie stopped dead in front of the kitchen, where a woman stood, holding a box of spaghetti noodles.

The woman was around Alastor's height, and had six arms, the bottom set being longer than those on top. Her hair was pure white, streaked pink, and she had a rather large floof of a chest, one that could rival even Angel Dust's. She looked down at them with four eyes, and full lips, her angelic face giving of a sense of slight nervousness and elation. Despite her appearance, Angel's eyes widened as he looked upon the woman, his eyes flooding with tears as he ran into her arms, hugging her tightly as her arms came around him.

"Mom-" Angel's voice broke into a sob.



What's up bitches!? I'm back! I hoped you like this little snippet of what's coming your way!

So Much In Common Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora