Uno 😏

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I'm sat on the couch as always smoking a fag when dad walks in the door quite obviously pissed off as he storms straight passed me and to his room
"Stop smoking my fags" he mutters angrily as he walks passed

"Woah woah woah why so rude for" I say putting it out

I wait for an answer and I don't get one and I can hear him ruffling round his room so I walk to his room to see what's going on cuz I'm a nosey cunt
I watch him throw everything everywhere in confusion

"Move" he says moving me out of the way to look in the draws behind me

"Uh- alright then" I say as I'm shoved out the way
"What you looking for anyway" I say

"Cash" he says

"What you got a secret stash of cash I don't know about?" I say grinning

"Not if merles nicked it" he says rummaging through clothes

"Want me to go ask him" I say not exactly thinking through what I've just said

He looks at me like I'm dumb then goes "yeah just go ask him then" as he rolls his eyes and looks a little more before stopping

"Sorry" I mutter under my breath

As he stops rummaging around he slumps on his bed
"Cant find it then? How much was there anyway?" I ask

"13 hundred" he says slapping his hand on his forehead then rubbing his face

"1300?! What the fuck" I say shocked my dad has ever made that much money
"Merle better not have nicked that" I say grabbing the bat and walking out
Now obviously no, I ain't gonna smash my uncles head in with a bat but I felt sexy picking it up so we roll with it
(This is where roll with it starts playing in my head)

I get over to merles and bash on his door
"Oi" "Merle!"

"What" I hear his usual drunk voice say as he opens the door and stares at me
"What's up edie" he manages to get out

"Where's my dads money" I say walking in

"What?" He says confused

"My dads 1.3 grand. Where is it" I look around

"Your dad has 1.3 grand?!" He says shocked "don't know babe I ain't got it" he says sipping his beer "now where'd your dad get that sorta money anyways"

"Dont know" I say grabbing his beer off him and sipping it
"Anywayz, Spose I'll let you be" I say tapping his back and walking out and back home

"He ain't got it" I say walking back in home and putting the bat down

"Your mum could have it" dad says from the kitchen

"How would my mum have found out about it though" i wonder genuinely confused

"I don't know" he huffs giving up
He leans forward to pick up his pack of cigarettes and picks up the empty packet
"You smoked all of my cigarettes" he says pissed off

"I only had one"

"It was a full pack edie" he says chucking the packet in the bin
"Go get me another one"

"Ugh fine" I say getting up and grabbing some change off the counter before getting out
"Cya" I shout back as I leave

I walk out through the trailer and round the trailer park before I see a guy I've never seen before stood outside the diner smoking a fag
He looks up from lighting his fag and notices me looking and does that head noddy thing
Me being me I quickly turn my head away and keep walking straight but I can feel that he's just watching me the whole time

I eventually walk all the way to the corner shop and grab a pack of haribo cherries
"My dads fags please Jeremy" I say as I get the change out my pocket and spill it onto the counter

"Yep" he says grinning as he passes me a pack

"I've only got $1.67 yeah I'll pay you back the rest on Monday yeah?" I say grabbing my stuff

"Course you can" he says putting his thumbs up

"Can always rely on you Jeremy" I giggle walking out the shop

I walk back to the trailer park and walk through the entrance
I'm wearing pyjama shorts a top my sliders and a messy bun but I still look gorg cuz I scripted I always look irresistible innit

I chew on my cherries as I walk through the trailer park and light a fag

"Ain't you a little young to be smoking them" I hear an unfamiliar voice say

I turn around and see the same guy that was outside the diner earlier walking over to me
"Don't think so" I shrug squinting my eyes at the sun

"Alright then, care to share" he says with a grin

"Nah sorry these are my dads" I say putting the pack in my pocket "can have some of mine though" I say taking the fag out my mouth and passing it to him

"Alright then" he says taking a puff then handing it back

"You live here your whole life?" He asks tryna make conversation

"Yep, you new?" I ask giving him that I don't like new cunts look

He laughs just a little "no no, my mum owns the diner I just haven't been round here a lot" he says

"You're georgias son?!" I ask shocked "fucking hell" I say as he nods
"Anyway I gotta get these to my dad" I say about the fags

"Alright then, see you round yeah" he says walking off

"Mhm" I nod walking back to my dads trailer

I get back and chuck the pack at his head and put my cherries on the side
"Here" I say as it hits his head then bounces off onto the sofa

He grunts "eh- oh. Thanks" he mutters already taking one out

"Did you know Georgia had a son?" I ask sitting next to him

"Georgia?" He asks "no since when"

"Dunno I just met him apparently"

"Apparently?" He looks at me

"Well nah he said he was georgias son but for all I know he's some random convicted sex offender" I say sarcastically

"Wouldn't be surprised" "maybe why she'd never mentioned him" he jokes

"Yeah yeah" I say getting comfy and watching the tv


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