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Hi...whoever sees this. It's been quite a while because I have been very busy and...

I don't know, but anyway, how is everyone?

I hope life is treating you well and if not, well, there are a lot of things to find peace in and be grateful for. I know, that a hackneyed thing to say, but seriously think about it.

I am going to go first, alright?

1. The world is beautiful.
So, I thought I was going to my vision around March/April. In fact, I couldn't see well for three weeks, including a test week which was horrifying. Initially, I thought it was nothing I couldn't handle on my own. However, after one test whereI felt like tearing my head off, I had to find help.
I was at school at that time, so I did not have my parents around. My roommates did not realise it either although to be fair, we hardly interacted so I didn't expect them to. So I called my mom and according to her, I sounded like I was accepting death. Also, I barely had friends at school so yeah, make friends.  

As I waited for a school break to return home, I started to go over the images I had stored in my head. I was hoping that at least, if I were to go blind, I could view the world from my memory. But I didn't have many memories, because I was always indoors. That was when I decided to go out and just stare at the mountains,
Stare at ants.
Look at the snails and millipedes that come when it rains. I couldn't stare at people though, that would be weird. I didn't look at my face because then I would see my eyes and some other parts of my face that needed work. I don't know how to describe the feeling well. I don't know if it was all in my mind, considering that the doctor said it was just stress and emotional whatever, but, thinking about it,... the world is beautiful.

And to think that I was going to live the rest of my life seeing only images of bad things... things that didn't matter.... I probably would have gone crazy and never forgiven myself.

All I am saying is, there is something beautiful about life that is beyond your little shell of a world and even massively, tremendously greater than the planet called your brain.

Fill your brain with good.

Fill your brain with good

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  To be continued...

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