Extra Chapter #4

Comincia dall'inizio

"Nothing at all. We're fine, relax." I said to her before we drove to the airport singing along with all the songs in my playlist.

"We need to have a shared playlist together." She said to me as Tinnitus by TXT started play and I smiled at her.

"We do, I feel like it would be one of the best ones. One that would only be played. Screw the other playlists." I said to her before we made it to the airport. The two of us got out and went in to wait.

"This is his flight right?" She asked me as we saw people coming through the arrivals gates.

"It is, he texted me and said that his flight landed so he should be coming through soon." I said to her and the two of us waited patiently.

"I think that's him." Yeojin said as she pointed to a guy with a small bag. It was. I then took off running over to him.

"Minho!" I shouted as I jumped into his arms and he looked at me.

"Hey Hwang. I was expecting you to shout my name so loudly." He said to me before he kissed me and I looked at him.

"You know I've screamed it louder before." I said to him and his eyes went wide.

"I missed you." He said to me before we kissed again.

"I missed you more." I said to him and he put me down and took my hand.

"Hey Minho. Are you ready to party?" Yeojin asked me and she smiled at the two of us.

"After the last one, it's got expectations to live up to." Minho said as we walked over to my car.

"Trust me, this will be even better." I said to him and he looked at me. Like he didn't know what to say.

"We'll have to see about that." He said to me as he put his bag in the trunk. He was already dressed up for it.

"Can we get some food before we start the drive there? You said it's an hours drive." Yeojin said as she took the passenger seat again. Leaving Minho in the middle seat in the back.

"More of an hour and a half. But we'll stop for food." I said to her and I felt Minho put his hand on my shoulder.

"You didn't tell me it was a long drive." He said to me and I looked back at him for a second.

"Listen, you didn't tell me that I had to get trains and walk to your party. At least this time it's an easy way there and back." I said to him and Yeojin smiled at me. She knew exactly what I meant. I got lost so many times. I decided to pull into the first drive thru that I saw.

"Thank you for doing that." She said to me and she ordered her food and I ordered mine. Minho didn't want anything.

"I'm so glad I ate on the plane." Minho said as I started eating my fries.

"You see we didn't eat before coming out because we didn't have the time." I said as we joined the freeway. Now we'd be driving for a while.

"We're stupid like that." Yeojin said as she started to eat her burger.

"You both are but that's fine." Minho said he stole one of my fries.

"Stealing my fries now, how could you?" I said to him and I saw him smile out the corner of my eye.

"Listen what do people say 'what's yours is mine and mine is yours' and it's just one frie. That's not a lot." He said to me and I smiled at shook my head.

"Let that be the last one as well. I'm starving." I said to him and as the drive kept going all I wanted to do was get to this party. And soon we were turning into the old farmhouse.

Seoulmate // Minho X Reader // XO, KittyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora