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"I'm sorry Siah." Florence told him as he walked through the door. "It's not me you have to apologise too. How about that couple?" He hung his jacket up and went upstairs.

He then came back downstairs and into the living room pouring himself a glass of whiskey. "Fuck sake." She huffed. "I'm going out tonight I'll be back late." Isiah said. "Right fine! I'll admit it." She raised her voice. "I don't want Tommy to sell that house because i can't let her go!"

"I don't want to let her go and that house is the only thing left of hers. Everything of hers was burnt and that house standing is the only thing left. I don't want to see it with someone else living there!"  She shouted.

Isiah stood there as she let all her emotions out again. She did the same in front of her mum and now in front of the man she loves. "How long have you felt like this?" He asked as he sat down. "Since the funeral. I thought i'd be able to except the fact she's gone but I can't." She confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me or anyone else? We could have helped you. I mean are you even ready to have a baby?" Isiah asked. "I wouldn't change this baby for the world. I know we are both still young but I would never give them up. I just want a happy family. Our little happy family." Florence explained.

"You need to promise me from now on, you feel like shit or anything is bothering you, you come to me and i'm going to help you." Isiah walked over and held her bump. "I promise." She whispered.

Florence was now nearly at the end of her pregnancy. She only had a couple of weeks left and couldn't wait to meet her baby. "Siah do we have everything? Enough clothes? Enough blankets. Toys?" She asked as she sorted through clothes and blankets that were in their child's room. "Yes. We do. Your family have had enough baby's so i'm sure if we need anything they have it." Isiah kissed her head.

Since their little argument a few months ago the house hasn't been sold but Tommy rented it out which Flo agreed with. Her and Tommy would split the money when the rent was owed. Polly, Anna and Ada were being cautious about the baby since there wasn't much movement and would worry about Flo at any point.

Polly came into the house, "Mother! I'm hungry." Florence giggled as she followed her mum into the kitchen. "Isiah won't make me anything because he can't cook food and i'm too pregnant." Flo smirked as she sat down. "What would my darling like?" Polly pointed at her bump. "Erm Im your darling before this one." Flo exclaimed.

Polly made her food and as she ate it Anna came through into the house. Micheal and Gina had brought their baby around and were sat down. "I need a wee. I'll be back." As Flo stood up liquid trickled down her leg.

She looked up at Polly, looked at Anna then looked back at Polly. "Shit. Oh god. No." Flo panicked. "Your okay. You've got us." Anna reassured as she sat Flo back down. Micheal and Gina said bye and left so Flo could have some space.

"Where's Isiah? He needs to know." Florence stood up and walked around the kitchen. "I've rang Ada she's told the boys and they are coming here." Anna explained. "We need to get her upstairs." Polly told her eldest and they both grabbed Flo's arms and helped her up the stairs into the bedroom.

"There's still no head." Polly said as she checked her daughter. "I want this fucking thing out of me. It hurts. I'm never doing this again." Flo panted. "I'm going to kill Isiah for a start." She said breathlessly. "You say that now but just wait. It's worth it in the end." Polly smiled. "Look I did it three times. And I wouldn't change any of you for the world. Now this little one needs to come out because Nanna Poll needs cuddles." Polly laughed taking Flo's mind off the pain.

Hours had past by and there was still no sign of the baby. "Maybe we need to ring a doctor." Anna advised.

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