The Unseen End of the World

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Disclaimer: This is a bit gory, a bit depressing, and can cause nightmares, irrational fears, or unwanted scares in your head to people who don't think of things like this often or aren't desensitized (lucky you) to such subjects and visions.
   Please, if you are young, and not even in high school yet, please PLEASE do not read this.

   A sob leaves my throat. My soul sinks into itself.

   The world has gone. These skulls have somber expressions, and there are infant skeletons.

   These building are burnt, and crumbling, and cracked with no sign of moss or vines. Only black and colorless.

   My world turns black and white as I walk mile after mile, roads all sunken and no more painted lines.

   The skies are dark grey with sorrow, there are trees cracked in half and leaking sap and tears of their old lives.

   There are no birds, not even rain. There are no dogs barking, no people talking or laughing.

   Water, lakes, creeks, they're all dried up. I step over children books, classic Disney movies. TVs that are fuzzing and screens that are broken in.

   Torn and tattered clothes are caught on different sharp and broken rocks, covered in deep fried blood and tear stains.

   I look up and let my scream tear through my throat. The world I'd known is gone, and broken, and black. I can hear the empty echoes of kids' laughter and giggles turn into sobs and horror trills of fear and pain. Grief of what they saw in front of their eyes.

   Things I could only ever imagine.

   Dreams that have turned into nightmares of reality, with monsters crawling on buildings, tearing people in half, families being split, the ground being dug into before their eyes.

   Demon winged terrors dashing through the sky, talons plucking innocent souls from their bodies one by one.

   And all without actually being in front of your eyes.

Word count:  319

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