Chapter 11- Padma

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When Nandini arrived with lotus flowers, she saw Aditha Karikalan sitting alone on the granite steps of the old abandoned temple pond. His horse or soldiers were nowhere to be seen. Did he walk here? Royal family rarely visited these temples as they are staunch Shaivaites. Sembiyan Madevi paid them regularly and Kundavai conducted poojas on special occasions like Janmashtami.

He hadn't seen her till now. If she sneaks away, he might go away after sometime. But she didn't want to sneak away. She felt like a tree rooted to the ground. She wanted to talk to him. She will . . . she will ask about his scars and war. Don't subjects have the right to talk that much to their rulers?

"Devi, if you worry this much you will grow old in teenage itself"

When did he see her?

"We all have become too old worrying about the war, komagane. What are you doing here? Royal men never come to this temple. Don't you all go to  the Siva temple?"

"Yes, but after one have been to war they will start praying to all gods".

Nandini looked around to see if they are alone. She sat on another distant step. Her mind screamed that this is inappropriate and she should run away.

"Why do you always avoid me, Nandini?"

"Who am I to avoid you, ilavarase? You are the son of the Tirupuvana Chakravarty. The earth. . . "

Karikalan interjected, ". . . I stand upon is yours. Isn't it? I don't want to talk about politics now. Tell me about yourself. I have been away for such a long time. You looked so sad when I went away. I thought it was because you'd miss me. But you look sad even after my return. Why?"

"There is nothing like that. Seriously. Nothing at all."

Karikalan didn't look convinced.

"What can I say about myself? We are a priests' family. We do the same things everyday. Stringing garlands, singing songs, lighting lamps, doing poojas, eating food, sometimes we fight each other. . .".

"You and fighting? Impossible". Both laughed.

"I see that you and my sister have become close when I was away. You were like mongoose and cobra when we were children."

"Did you just call me a snake?", Nandini faked annoyance.

"No, I was just . . ."

"It is alright ilavarase. We were immature children then. Ilaya Piratti has become a matured and responsible young lady. She is very generous to us. We will always be grateful".

"You know, I used to taunt her that you are more beautiful than her".

Nandini was shocked. Why would he say such things to his sister? Won't she feel sad if Thirumalai annan taunted her and akka saying that some other girl is more beautiful? No wonder Kundavai hated her.

"I am sorry, devi. Remember, I too was an immature boy then. I thought it was fun. I didn't think of the consequences. But I am glad that you both have forgotten all that now".

"You should apologise to Ilaya Piratti". What has taken over her? Will he punish her for this insolence?

"I will"

Nandini smiled. "I have heard poets singing about your valour and ferocity. You have made quite a name for yourself".

The prince looked pleased but it was obvious that something was gnawing at his heart.

"Still the war isn't won. That coward Veera Pandyan escaped again. He is an expert in running off the battle field and hiding. Do you know, Nandini? This war didn't start today or yesterday. My father too fought him when they were young. Everyone thought my father died. He never talks about that period".

"Where is Veera Pandyan? Do you know?"

"Where else? Ezham. We have already sent a force under Kodumbalur Vellar. For some reason, they are too fond of that Veera Pandyan. This time we will teach them a lesson. Anyway, let us talk about something else. You all have grown up. Arulmozhi and sithappa were so little when I went. Now they are little men. Kundavai was a little jealous girl. You all look like new people."

"That's because you were busy with thoughts about war. You must have forgotten our old faces. But all I could think about was you. I prayed so intensely that your face started to appear before me whenever I prayed about something else too".

Ouch, she said too much. She was too overwhelmed that she didn't think before speaking. Inappropriate. Karikalan was smiling so radiantly that he looked like his namesake sun god.

"Ilaya Piratti and Periya Piratti too. All other girls too prayed. Then . . ."

She couldn't finish her sentence. She averted her gaze. She crossed all limits of properiety. Karikalar looked so ecstatic that it seemed as if he was drunk. He took one lotus bud from her lap. She felt like she reached Vaikuntam as fingers brushed against her arms.

"Komagane, that's a bud. Here, take this big flower".

"No, I like the bud. Do you know why? Your folded hands remind me me of lotus buds. Aha! You are blushing. Now you look pink like a fully bloomed lotus".

He took a flower from her lap.

"Are you taking them for the pooja? For whom?"

"Who else? For the Padmanabhan who sleeps on Palazhi".

"Then, consider this an archana for this thevar. Next time you should bring lamps too."

"You are teasing me."

"No, I am being serious. At least Perumal has Lakshmi Devi for company. I am all alone."

"Where can we find a Lakshmi Devi in this kali yugam, thevare? You will have to adjust with the flowers. If you really want some company, we can search for an Ananthan in the forests."

"Ada kadavule, you are so mischievous."

"I am", Nandini took the lotus flowers and ran away. She could hear his laughter. She turned back after some time to see if he was looking at her. He wasn't. She felt a tiny hinge of disappointment. This was a mistake. She should never meet him alone.

Then he held the lotus bud so tenderly, so close to his heart and kissed the flower. Nandini shivered as if she fell into the pond at midnight.

Padma - Lotus and/or Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu

Janmashtami - Sri Krishna's birthday

Devi - Goddess

Komagan, Ilavarasan- Prince

Tirupuvana Chakravarty - Emperor of Three Worlds

Ezham- Sri Lanka

Sithappan - Uncle

Padmanabhan - Lord Vishnu who bears lotus on his navel

Palazhi- The cosmic ocean where Lord Vishnu reclines over his serpent-mount Ananthan accompanied by his consort, Lakshmi.

Archana- Offering

Kali yuga- An era of conflict and sin.

Ananthan-  The celestial snake on which Lord Vishnu sleeps

Ada Kadavule - Oh my god


What should they talk about when they meet next time? Any suggestions?

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