The Shock!!!

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Max's POV:

I woke up with a start from one of the worst nightmares I have had to date, they are nothing new to me but this one felt almost like a warning or preminition if you will. My body was aching all over from the beating my stepmother gave me last night, it was if she wanted to make sure I wouldn't be able to move today. The cuts on my back was burning and I could only hope that they don't get infected. Normally she used a relatively clean knife or glass to cut my skin but last night she used a old rusty knife, which makes me truly believe that she wants me dead. I still don't understand why they hate me so much, yes I was different from them but does that really mean I have to be punished for it? I mean it's not like I had a choice in what I am, I was born this way. You see my life was good until I tuned four years old. I will never forget that night, it's in printed in my head for ever, most of my nightmares I had consistent of that night fourteen years ago.

One of my father's co-workers came to visit at our house unexpectedly, we never had people over even before that night and my father was just as shocked as the rest of us. My mother or as I found out that night ,"stepmother" hated having strange people in her home, to say she was pissed was an understatement. My father couldn't exually tell him to fuck off or it would have made things very difficult for him at work so he invited him inside. Me and my sister Marie was sitting on the carpet in the living room playing with our doll's when my father came walking in with the stranger following him. From the moment my father introduced him to us, I got a bad feeling about him, he kept staring at me and Marie and it was making us very uncomfortable. My stepmother noticed this and told me and Marie to go to our rooms and get ready for bed, neither of us complaint about it, we were just to happy to get away from him. It was a little while later when I heard my room door creak open and someone moved inside slowly and quietly, but I still heard them, my hearing has always been better than most people I met.

Sitting up fast with my heart beating almost out of my chest, I saw the man from my father's work standing next to my bed with an evil glint in his eyes. Before I could scream he was on top of me with his hand over my mouth, hissing at me to be quiet. I tried to fight him, I even bit his hand but he didn't move and slapped me hard across the face to shut me up. Now, you would think that for a four year old that pain would be allot but the pain that went through my body along with the immense heat and burning that went through my blood, was a hell of allot worse than the slap he gave me. My bones started to reshape and it felt like they were breaking and healing and then rebraking again, over and over. It was only after that was over that I realized the man was no longer on top of me but on the floor staring at me with horror in his eyes all the while he screamed that I was a monster. I couldn't understand why he would scream that about me when he was the one who tried to hurt a four year old girl. My door burst open and my parents came rushing into my room, but stopped dead in their tracks when they looked at me. I was completely and utterly confused at their behavior until I tried to go to them but fell flat on my face on the floor only to see that I had changed into a small wolf and my legs was not used to this form yet. I yelped and tried to scramble back but nothing was working.

That was the night I was forced to shift into my wolf for the first time but also the night my life became a living hell. They never treated me the same again, I became the out cast, the freak or as my stepmother likes to call me, the little monster whore who ruined their life's. Pfffft I didn't fucking ruin anything, in fact I would say I saved my sister and me from being raped by a fucking pervert, but off course they don't see it that way. The fucking asshole lied to them about what happened and had been blackmailing them ever since. That is why we move so much to try and get away from the peace of shit, but somehow he always end up finding us.

Shaking my head of the memories I hear something I haven't heard for a long time in this house,  "Laughter" coming from our living room. I slowly got up and grunted quietly through the pain in my body, moving over to my closet to try and hear what was going on. In the corner of my closet was a little pannel that was loose and when ever I wanted to spy on them in the living room, I would go there and watch and listen to them talk or argue, which ever they were doing at the time. My stepmother was sitting in her usual spot my father standing a little in front of her with a happy sparkle in his eyes. That is something I don't think I have ever seen on him, they were discussing some kind of sale, but I couldn't hear properly so I leaned in closer to the hole. Their words hit me like a ton of bricks, because it became very clear that they were planning on selling "ME" to some guy my father knows for a lot of money. Getting myself and my breathing under control I left my closet not even bothering to put the piece of wood back in it's place and looked at the clock. It's 2:00 in the morning and they are up laughing and joking about selling me? WHAT THE FUCK????

Panic was starting to set in and my mind started to go black, when I shook it off and came to a decision that I should have made a long time ago. It was time to get the fuck away from them, I thought of contacting Me Blackbourn but decided against it. They made promises to me that they didn't keep. If I was going to do this, then I was going to take a clean break from any and everybody that is currently in my life. So with that decision made I gritted on my teeth to with stand the pain running through my body and slowly but quietly started packing what I could. The shock off how bad my family truly is has me reeling while I gathered my measly belongings together and hoped I could make my escape before any of them knew I was awake and moving around. If they caught me I wouldn't even see the light of day ever again...?

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