Chapter 13

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Zion Sullivon


The metal rod hit the street side lamp post. I dodged it, when I saw the shadow of a man approaching me with a weapon under the flickering light.

The light stopped flickering and went off. The alleyway was dark and dingy. Being aware of the threat, I positioned myself to protect myself. I could feel the metal rod again being swung my way. I dodged it. I could only make out a faint outline of the man and the rod, in the dark. I dodged the rod two more times.

When the man tried to hit me a third time with the rod, I grabbed it and pulled it towards me, causing the man to fall towards me with full force. As soon as the man lost his balance he fell on the floor.I pinned him to the floor. I took the wire of the street lamp and tied the man's hand behind his back. I then dragged him to the crime scene as the police force was already gathered there.

I was met by a bewildered Officer Ryan. He quickly ran towards me with handcuffs, when he saw the peculiar outfit of my hostage. The man was wearing a black mask which covered his entire face, but his eyes. His whole attire was black, probably to fade in the darkness. Whatsoever, he had zero experience in fighting. I don't think he can be Fisher's man since his men are trained to some level, atleast.

After arresting him, Officer Ryan put him in the back seat of the jeep, with three more police officers. After taking him to the police station, we finally pulled his mask open. Officer Ryan looked at him shocked.

"What happened?", I asked.

"This.. This is Oliver!",he said.

"Well less work for us since he's already here. We should take him in for questioning, immediately.", I demanded.

"Ok sir.", Ryan said as he took Oliver to the questioning room. His hands were cuffed to a table while me and Ryan were sitting across the table, facing him.

He seemed very young. Around 19-20 years.

Oliver looked very agitated. He had the same fear in his eyes, just like Ms Quinn.

"Do you have anything to do with Ms Quinn's death?", Ryan shot the first question. Oliver's eyes were wide open. "Ms Quinn is dead?!", he asked befuddled.

"Are you being serious right now?! You are the one who attacked Mr. Sullivon first!", he said vexed..

"Please believe me! I have nothing to do with her death! Please!", he pleaded.

"Then why did you attack me?", I asked.

"I can't tell you or else they will kill me!", he said panic-stricken.

"Who? Who is they?", I asked getting more and more impatient.

"I can't tell you! They said they'll kill me if I utter a single word.", he said  hysterically, shaking.

"Oliver! OLIVER! Calm down!", I said gripping him by shoulders. I asked him to take deep breathes and passed him the bottle of water kept at one of the corners of the table.

He grabbed the bottle and took big gulps. After around ten minutes, he finally calmed down.

"Look Oliver. If you don't tell us everything, we won't be able to help you.", I said. I didn't say that I would be able to keep him safe, as I didn't want to make anymore false promises.

He looked at us. He relaxed his facial expression and started to narrate his side of the story.

"This Monday, while I was bringing some grocery for Ms Quinn a man started to chase me. I tried my best to escape him but he got to me. He blindfolded me and knocked me out. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair with a few people pointing their guns at me. I was really scared. Then a man approached me. He threatened to kill me if I didn't follow his orders. He also told me that after killing me, he would kill my grandmother too. She's the only family I have. I didn't want to risk it. Today, when Ms Quinn asked me to get her some milk, I was met my those men at the grocery store. They handed me a bottle of milk and asked me to deliver that instead. I dared not to question them and followed their orders.

Around 7pm I got the order that I needed to bring you to them dead or alive. I didn't want to kill you. I didn't want any of this to happen. They are making me do this. Please save me. If not me, atleast my grandmother. She doesn't deserve this. Please save her!", he said joining both his hands, weeping and pleading.

"We will try our best to save her.", I said looking at Officer Ryan and then back at Oliver.

"Can you describe the man who threatened you?", I asked.

"Yes...he was short, a bit stout and had a big scar over his right eye.", he said.

I took out my phone and showed him Fisher's picture. "Is this the man?", I asked.

His face paled. "Yes...Yes this! This is the man!", he yelped.

" do you know the place where they had held you hostage?", I asked.

"I don't clearly remember. They had knocked me out again and left me on the street, they had previously picked me from. It seemed to be a construction site...", he said feebly.

"Ok. Thank you for co-operating Oliver.", I said getting up, ready to leave. He quickly caught hold of my hand.

"Please save my grandma! Please!", he pleaded.

"I can't make promises but we'll try our best! Until we capture Fisher, you'll be under our supervision. Hope it makes you feel a bit safer.", I said. He let out a sigh of relief as he let go off my hand.

Me and Officer Ryan left the questioning room.

"Officer Ryan, I really need you to keep a proper watch on him. We can't lose him as well.",I said.

"Yes sir. I will try my best!", he said.

"I feel like keeping him here won't be safe. Fisher, will know somehow. We need to move him out of here.", I said.

"How about I take him to my home island? It's quite remote and it would take Fisher sometime to locate it. That would buy us sometime.", he offered.

"Are you really willing to risk your hometown for him?", I asked.

"Sir, I have failed once. I don't want to fail again. And I will be keeping him in an isolated zone which is a few miles away from my actual hometown.", he said.

"Thank you, Officer. What about his Grandma?", I asked.

"I'll send my forces to get her as well and bring her with him.", he said.

"Ok", I said looking at my phone. It was 3am now.

"Sir, will I arrange a ride for you?", he asked. Honestly, after facing an attack I really didn't wanna risk it at all.

"Fine.", I answered. After fifteen more minutes, a jeep appeared and took me to the agency. As soon as I got there, I went to my dorm and slumped into my bed. Today, has been a hell of a night and I need my sleep to function properly.

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