Part 4

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The team worked hard the rest of the week to try and solve the case. They had found out that the teenager was a dealer but that's as far as they know.

They had three suspects and found 2 people where there at the death of the teen.

They had worked so hard to get to where they were.

The gang decided enough was enough and headed to the pub at 5:30pm. Jill had told them she would meet them there as she had to go pick her wife up.

Niki and Jack had got the team the first round. Max and Clarissa sat in their normal spots and Simone, Sam and Velvy sat together then finally for the first time Nikki and jack squished together on the booth leaving space for Jill and her wife when they arrived.

the team had been in conversation when the door opened and Jill walked in with a woman around the same age holding her hand. The woman was grey haired with very short hair and was smiling as they walked in as if Jill had just told her something as they walk in.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Dr Serena Campbell" Jill joked as she led her wife and let the woman sit down first next to Nikki.

"At last it's good to finally meet you Serena" Nikki smiled as she held her hand out to shake.

"Yes lovely to meet you all I've heard amazing things about you all" the woman smiled "your her favourite team to work with"

"Aww Jill. Now get these drinks in you owe us" jack smirked.

"I was hoping you was going to forget." She laughed but beofre she walked off she turned to Clarissa and coughed and put her hand out.  "My money please Clarissa"

"I think £50 should be given to us for your bribery Raymond" jack quipped

"What bribery?" Serena questioned

"She bribed us with meeting you so she could win the bet of when we finally reveal our relationship" Nikki informed her.

"Your dirty little secret am I Jill" Serena quit led her eye brow

"You my love never" Jill replied as Clarissa handed over her winnings and walked off to buy her round of drinks.

As she sat down with her drink Serena turned to Jill and said "I want that money please"

"What! Why? Yes I may have used keeping your identity a secret so thank I could win but I still won fair" Jill tried to reason

"I would like to argue you cheated. You knew meeting Serena was our most desired thing in life" Simone interjected.

"You guys only had to find my instagram to see Serena I just never told you I had the app" she replied with a smile

"So what your saying is we was never good enough detectives?" Nikki questioned

"Darling stop digging your hole and give me that money so I can spoil our grand babies at the weekend" Serena interjected

"You have kids?!?" Simone and Velvy questions the same time Jack said "you have grandkids?!"

"Money now" the grey hairs woman said seriously with a hint of teasing in her voice

"Thanks guys I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight" Jill laughed as she passed over the money

The group stayed at the pub until late all avoided the dreaded topic of work as they needed a break and heavily sticking on the conversation of Jill and her family.

Thought out the night jack and Nikki showed each other more affection that usual now that they was out to their friends. Stealing silent glances to each other that didn't go unmissed and  hand holding ontop of the table for the first time.

Jack and Nikki Silent Witness Where stories live. Discover now