Chapter Thirty - Five

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I only have a few hours left before I move to another country. I watched the surroundings passing by the car window. My father was sitting on the passenger seat, while our driver will be leading us to the airport.

I sighed. I wonder how my life in Singapore would be. We haven't even flew yet, but I'm already starting to miss this place. And not only the place, but even those people in it. Particularly that one person.

I sadly gazed to the outside and leaned my head on the car's window. I'm even starting to miss the trees I used to see everytime I was going to the house. I put my phone out and decided to record the sceneries I've been seeing outside. I'd sure miss this place.

"Turn to the left." I heard my father order.

"But sir, the airport is on the right side. Are you going to pick up anything?"

"The arena will be on the left, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Let my daughter stay there for a few hours."

"Father?" I asked, confused.

"I heard Zuo Hang's concert will be held today. I'm letting you enjoy yourself for a few moments."

I was silent for a moment. Is this really my father?

"You're not pranking, right?" I said, disbelievingly and enthusiastically at the same time.

My chest is overwhelmed with emotions but what I know is that one stands out the most. Happiness. That it includes my excitement as well as gratefulness. I wonder what made my father make this decision all of a sudden?

I was so glad that I suddenly screamed inside the car. I was going crazy and my father was simply giving me a poker face.


We finally reached the arena and there are lots of people around, each holding their own banners and other stuffs to show their support for their idols.

My father handed me a ticket. I'm not sure if it was him who bought it for me or someone else did, but that doesn't matter anymore. I was just so thankful he allowed me to come here.

"Contact the driver once the concert is done. I'll wait at the airport." Father said and closed the car window.

I'm not sure if this is what they call 'calm before the storm,' because my father might probably ask me for something in exchange. But it doesn't matter anymore. I am so happy that I could kiss the floor. I'll be able to see him!

I entered the arena and found my seat. I was just beside girls who have blue bracelets and banners with blue lights on them, along with Hang's first name written on it. I smiled. They looked just as cheerful as me.

The lights turned off and the music started playing. I wasn't as near to the stage, but not as far either. From here, I immediately distinguished Zuo Hang's location when they finally showed up to the stage.

"Zuo Hang! Hao shuai!" yelled the girls beside me, who increased in number without me noticing. They are now surrounding me, screaming so loud. The place was so filled with shouts that my ears might be ripped off. Ofcourse, I also screamed Zuo Hang's name along with them. 

After singing together, each of them started introducing and saying their messages to their supporters.
My yells went louder when it was Zuo Hang's turn. He looked so handsome in the suit he's wearing, along with that wonderful contagious smile on his face.

"Greetings to everyone who came here and even to those who are watching online as well." Zuo Hang smiled and looked directly at the camera. "I missed you all, just as how you missed me as well. I hope you would always remember to take care of yourself. Never forget your meals and consider taking a rest as well. Don't busy yourself too much and let life flow as it is." He smiled and passed the mic to someone else. It was just weird how it sounds like he was talking to someone. The others are talking about their experiences and trainings as an idol and yet there he is, telling us to take care of ourselves.

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