how do i make this choice?

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In the realm of choices, where paths converge,
I stand uncertain, emotions on the verge.
A decision awaits, demanding my voice,
Oh, how do I make this choice?

Like whispered secrets from the starry night,
The options beckon, each one shining bright.
But in their allure lies a bittersweet sound,
For only one path shall I truly be bound.

Do I follow the beat of a passionate heart,
Where dreams may flourish, where passions may start?
Or should I tread cautiously with measured steps,
Seeking stability, where comfort intercepts?

Like a river meandering through the unknown,
I'm torn between the seeds I have sown.
The safe haven of familiarity calls my name,
While the unknown whispers promises of fame.

The answers lie within, a delicate dance,
In the depths of my soul, where truths advance.
Seeking solace in stillness, I close my eyes,
To find the wisdom that inwardly lies.

I listen to the whispers of my inner guide,
Trusting the journey, relinquishing pride.
For deep within, a truth begins to unfurl,
A compass of wisdom, an invaluable pearl.

With courage as my ally and doubts held at bay,
I embrace the uncertainty, come what may.
For choices, like life, are an ever-changing tide,
Guiding us forward, if we let ourselves ride.

And so, I'll make this choice, with a heart sincere,
Leaning into the unknown, letting go of fear.
For the beauty of life lies in the steps we take,
With each choice we make, a new world we make.

In the tapestry of choices, my story unfurls,
Embracing the lessons, the twists, and the whirls.
For it's not in the outcome, but in the journey's voice,
That I truly discover how to make this choice.

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