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"Being a spirit is... well, really boring....

You'd think it'd be fun and all with haunting people or just floating around, but...

How you die really does matter..."

Name: {Y/n} {L/n}

Age at time of death: 23

Height: 5'7

Cause of death: 

Gunshot wound to the chest and cut to the throat. { He was shot first then had his throat slit.}

Extra info:

Because of his death his is unable to talk, His eyes are a pure white and he appears with a almost wispy blue glow. He is unable to interact with normal objects and can phase through walls like any other ghost. {This is all going to change through out the story.}

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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Ghostly hearts.. { Macaque x Male!Reader x Wukong }Where stories live. Discover now