"no," denki said in a hoarse voice before he cleared his throat. "it was me, sensei. i promise to take responsibility."

kyoka sighed as she rolled her eyes. "still, it was also my fault."

"stop it, jirou," denki snapped, not only surprising kyoka by his abrupt tone but also himself. "it's all on me. jirou had nothing to do with this."

"we'll settle this in my office," aizawa said, sighing after a long moment of silence.

denki collapsed on the bed the second he got inside his room, not caring if he left the door open.

"finally free from today," he mumbled.

he was about to go to sleep when a knock was heard.

"kaminari-san, may i come in?," a soft voice asked.

denki turned his head to see momo standing by the door, carrying a plastic bag.

"uh sure," he sat up, moving his stuff away so she had space to walk in.

momo sat on the nearest chair next to his bed. "how's your hangover?"

"yaomomo you don't have to worry about that anymore," denki smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"and you must be insane if you think i wouldn't care to check up on your health," the girl slightly furrowed her brows at him.

"kirishima and sero said that you still look like you're not getting any better. of course we should be worried. here, jirou bought you aspirin, tylenol and some pain relief cream," she said, rummaging through the plastic bag to take out a bottle of water, medicine and other items.

denki chuckled nervously. "that's a lot, you don't need- wait, jirou bought all that?"

momo nodded and smiled. "yes, she asked me to bring these to you right after she got back from the pharmacy. drink this and go to bed. your headache will be gone in no time."

after she placed the items on the nightstand, she stood and left his room, leaving him dumbfounded.

denki looked at the items on the nightstand. "she went to the pharmacy to buy all these for me?"

he rubbed his temples before drinking the medicine and went to sleep.


"where are you heading to, m'lady?"

kyoka couldn't help but grimaced when denki the mad hatter came up to her.

"nowhere," she shrugged. "i don't even know where i'm going to either."

since this is all just a dream

denki frowned before he took her hand in his and led her to the little cottage. "perhaps we can chat over some tea."

as they sat down and poured the tea into their cups, kyoka finally spoke.

"sorry if i seemed to be troubling you. i'm just angry."

"why are you angry?," denki tilted his head.

"there's this friend of mine," she started. "he did something stupid that i'm partly to blame. so i've been avoiding him."

denki blinked and placed his chin on his hand. "if he's really your friend, wouldn't you at least talk things out with him first?"

kyoka sighed and placed her chin on her hand on the table as well. "wish i would. but i don't know if i want to. i still hate him. so i'm giving him the silent treatment."

"but.. being too quiet with him could make things worse. you wouldn't want to ruin your friendship with him, would you?"

kyoka saddened her brows as she looked down at the table. "no. i wouldn't want that. i.. i don't know."

"whether if this person is a friend of yours or not, it sounds like you both had a good relationship," denki smiled warmly.

kyoka stared at him in confusion. "how would you know?"

"because you look so serious and fixated on your friend when you complain about him. almost as if you can't get him out of your head."

was that true? did she really care about him? well of course. they were friends. friends were supposed to care for each other.

kyoka was silent for a long time. she looked down at her lap, fiddling with the fabric of her dress. when she was about to speak to denki, a loud ringing din suddenly started pounding into her ears.

she frantically looked around, searching where the source of the loud prolonged noise came from only to be woken back to reality.

kyoka blinked, staring at the ceiling before slowly turning her head to her alarm clock. she clicked her tongue and turned it off, pulling herself into a sitting position.

the girl started getting ready for school with only one thing on her mind ever since she woke up.

do i really like kaminari more than just a friend?


"this is the last one," denki sighed in relief after throwing the big plastic bag of trash into the garbage bin.

"woo hoo! keep it up, kaminari!," mina cheered, clapping her hands. "you have three more days until you're free from this nightmare. i'm proud of you."

denki smirked proudly. "aww thanks, ashido. you're still treating me to dinner right?"

mina hummed, sticking her tongue out. "nah. i'll just buy you some potato sticks after this."

denki shrugged. "that could work."

eijiro and hanta suddenly bursted out laughing, causing denki and mina to turned to them.

"what's going on guys?"

"ashido, come here," hanta waved his hand to gesture her to look at eijiro's phone.

mina walked towards the two of them. by the time she saw what was on eijiro's screen, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, trying to muffled her laughter but to no avail.

"hey what's up?," denki asked in confusion when the three continued their laughing fit as they stared at eijiro's phone, ignoring the blond.

denki furrowed his brows as he went up to them, trying to see what they were laughing about. "seriously guys, what's so funny?"

when they showed the phone to him, his eyes widened in disbelief.

it was a picture of denki sleeping on a bunch of plastic bags full of trash next to the garbage bin.

"dude why were you taking pictures? delete that!," denki demanded as he tried to reach for his phone.

"don't worry, we're not gonna send this to the group chat!," hanta cackled before the three started running away as the blond went to chase after them.

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