The Bounty (Din Djarin) (Angst ig) (pt.1)

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Din was sitting in a cantina when his beacon starts blinking with a bounty.


Extremely dangerous

Seven hundred thousand Calamari Flan for them Dead or Alive

Location: Agamar

Occupation: Unknown

"Looks like I got some work to do." Din mumbles to himself, before leaving the cantina with Grogu in his pod following close behind.


You're walking around the snowy plain you landed on when you got to Agamar, three years ago, and suddenly see a ship enter the atmosphere.

"Shit." You mumble before running as fast as you can back to the cave you call home. You gather everything you can and put it all into your bag, and begin to run to your vault, in the field outside. Before you reach it, a blaster goes off in your direction, missing you by an inch.


"A Mandalorian?" You say, condescendingly, "I didn't know you people were still around." You slowly turn around, "I thought you were all killed a while ago."

"Enough talking. I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold."

"Is that a catchphrase or something? I heard you say it when I watched you take in another bounty on Tatooine."

"It's your choice." He says, ignoring your comment.

"How much are they offering for me now? Last I checked it was about two hundred thousand, did it go up or down? How much are you going to get paid for this?"

"Stop asking questions."

"Right, of course, Mandalorians are all business. Or as I call it, no fun." You say, at this point you're just stalling, trying to figure a way out of this.

"I was told you're extremely dangerous." He says, slowly approaching you, holding the blaster up still.

"I don't have any weapons on me, if that helps." You put up your arms in mock surrender.

He scans you up and down, "It doesn't."

"What, are you going to pat me down?" You snicker, "Look, I have a proposition to make. You bring me in alive, you get paid, you break me out and we can split the bounty. It's a win win!"

"No. Drop the bag."

You grumble in annoyance, "Fine, but this is on you now." You throw the bag in his face, it makes him drop his blaster, and bolt to your bunker, praying the Mando was distracted long enough for you to get your weapons. You get struck in the shoulder by a laser from his blaster. You fall to the ground and get behind a rock.

"Great, just wonderful." You mutter as you look at your wound, still steaming.

"Come out and I won't kill you."

You laugh, and grab a blaster you'd hidden under some rubble by this rock, "And why would I just surrender! The Empire didn't train soldiers to do that!"

"The Empire?" The Mando mumbles.

You pop up from the rock and shoot at him, and quickly hide again, "Yeah! I was a commander. I'm assuming one of the refugees from the planets that were destroyed put up the bounty!" You shout, before shooting at him once again, "Fun fact, I actually wasn't the one who ordered the destruction of those planets! I abandoned the Empire after the first one!" You shoot again, this time sending off two shots.

"Stop! I'll put down my gun if you stop shooting!" He shouts.

"You think I'd believe that?" You laugh at him, "I'm not stupid."

"You don't work for what's left of the Empire?"

You peek your head out from behind the rock a little to see the Mandalorian holding up his arms in surrender.

"No, is that what was on the bounty?" You say, as he puts his gun on the ground, and slowly approaches the rock.


You come out from behind the rock holding your gun up, and slowly putting it on the ground.

"It seems you have a bit of a decision on your hands." You say, "You can either kill me, and get money from whoever put that bounty out, assuming it's someone from the Empire," You put out one hand, "or you can leave, and I can continue living my life in self-given exile." You put out your other hand, and lift that one higher than the other, "I personally vote for the latter." You wrinkle your nose, before dropping your hands, and walk toward you bag, that now has snow sprinkled over it.

"What about that other option? Where we both get paid?" The Mando says.

You look at him, as you dig through your bag, getting a ripped shirt of yours, and pressing it against your wound, "Yeah, that offer went down the drain when you shot me."

"Even if it's thirty-five hundred thousand credits?"

"They're offering seven hundred thousand credits for my head on a platter?!" You shout, "That's insane!"

"Is your answer still no?" The Mando says, with smugness in his tone.

You flinch a bit, as you press the shirt on your wound a bit harder, trying to stop the bleeding, "Do I look crazy to you?" You say, before quickly stopping him from saying anything, "Don't answer that. Yeah. Let's do this. Stick it to the Empire, and get paid a fortune for it, sounds like heaven to me."

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