I huff and punch obi slightly before he let's me down catching zens attention

"(Y/n!) Obi! How nice to see you both, I'm assuming you got let go?" Zen asks me so I nod

"Yeah, just weekly checking for now" I say and zen nods

"Well.. what can I help you with?" He asks and obi speaks up

"Well master, I was hoping I could talk to you, while stars here can inform miss kiki and mitsuhide about our recent game" obi says making many codes so I glance at him confused

"Oh of course" zen says slightly confused before he and obi walk into another room

"Well are you and obi doing something today?" Kiki asks curiously

"Well, I know the cat wanted to go take me somewhere today so I'm assuming that, but other then that I dont know" I explain and mitsuhide's eyes widen

"He asked you out on a date?" He asks so I tilt my head

"Uh..yeah I guess" I ask slightly confused and kiki chuckles in amusement

"Mitsuhide, she might not know what a date is.." she says so I blink still not understanding

"A date is when someone would like to take you somewhere alone and you both acknowledged your feelings for each other" kiki explains before mitsuhide joins in

"So, you both spend some time together having a good time and see if your relationship progresses into the dating stage" mitsuhide explains so I look at him even more confused

"Dating stage?" I ask actually confused now as all I know is something a little more intimate so he groans

"Boyfriend girlfriend, you both admit to each other that you love each other and if he asks you out you guys will date" he explains and I hum

"What's the point in that? Isnt it just a label on two people then?" I ask raising my eyebrow and kiki snickers

"Boyfriend and girlfriend is special, dating in general is cause you are the person of choices, if anyone tries to get to you and flirt with you your boyfriend can step in and claim you" kiki explains

"Oh..so if we date then..obi..owns me?" I ask still slightly confused thinking of it as selling and bidding

"In a respectable way yes, but it's your choice.." mitsuhide says so I nod

"And what do you mean by claim kiki?" I ask curiously and she chuckles as does mitsuhide

Do they mean hickeys and that or just being intimate?

"Uhh..that's a question you should ask zen instead.." mitsuhide says digging zen into a grave as him and obi walk out at the same time

"Ask me what?" Zen asks

"Oh hey zen whats-" I give to ask but mitsuhide quickly covers my mouth from talking

"Privately! Away from obi" he says quickly as both obi amd I look at him confused

"Mmhm" I hum in mitsuhide hand so he let's me go

"If you didnt let go I was gonna bite you" I say glaring at him so he chuckles nervously

"There she is" kiki says so I sigh

I'm aware what they mean..I'm just inexperienced..

"Yep-" "Let's go!"

I yelp as I get lifted up again and feel obi jump

"Damn you cat!!" I yell as I hear the others and obi laugh

The Assassin Way (Obi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now