006 | secondhand sources

391 20 5

nishimura riki

Am I on my way to living the real life of a teenager? A teenager who spends their weekdays in school and weekends with friends? Getting invites to parties, or having a friend group who arranges a surprise party for you.

That type of teenager who only exists in the fictional dimension. No wonder why teenagers hate their lives when their expectations are born and raised from a fictional dimension.

Even though Nicholas forewarned me about the party, I would definitely still figure it out anyway. I hope none of the people around me plan to work in the acting industry  because they are all as transparent as glass.

My sourranding have acted like there is not going to be a surprise party for me, while Nicholas has acted like he hasn't told me anything about it. A part of me wants to not be surprised at all, but I'm scared of myself running the mood by doing so. It's better to go with the flow, I guess.

Nicholas opened the door to the old clubhouse for me, revealing a cheering crowd, along with blasting music and spotlights that can make you blind. It already hurts to stare at the sun, but these spotlights are definitely more painful to look at.

Some people in the crowd walked up to me to give me funny glasses and a glow stick necklace. The other people either threw confetti at me or just screamed out of excitement. I responded with a scream of excitement, receiving an energy-filled reaction.

I have never been taught nor learned how to act in this type of party. The only type of party I have attended to before are garden parties hosted by the British royal family. If I were to exhibit this behavior at a graden party, it would be a scandal across the globe.

I have been taught to be quiet, speak with small letters, and use formal language. It almost feels like I am in that fictional dimension because this seems like the normal way to live in my age. From my perspective, my behavior inappropriate even if everyone else views this behavior as normal.

"It's your night tonight, Crown Prince, and you know what that means? It's time for you to create your own love story here" Hinata said out of excitement while he swung his arm around my shoulder.

"It hasn't even been a week since I started. I barely know anyone except you guys" I stated.

"Sometimes the tongue speaks better than words, your highness" Kenji responed.

The rest agreed with Hinata and Kenji while I kept rejecting the suggestion. I made an excuse that I would do it later, and hopefully, they would forget the suggestion once later arrives. I might need to give them an extra shot or two to be on the safe side.

Not to mention, I still need time for adjustment. I am not at a garden party with the British royal family; I am inside an old clubhouse for a teenage party.

While the others seemed distracted by something, I saw this as the perfect timing to sneak away. I walked on the side of crowd to avoid being hit by something or someone, and someone spilling their drink on me. I would rather walk on the side of crowd, analyzing everyone in order to make myself feel more comfortable with the environment.

"Why aren't you letting me in?" A girl's voice was heard over the blasting music, causing me to follow her voice out of curiosity.

"Because you are not allowed to be here. This is not a party for everyone" A guy's voice responded.

"I was invited by Ni-ki, and it seems like he forgot or didn't know this information, so-" The girl argued.

"She is with me" I said when I arrived at the door, seeing the person I expected it to be and wanted to see tonight.

I walked between the two guys who were standing on either side of the door frame to grab Mai's wrist and walk away with her. I have no idea where we were going; I just know that I was on my way to get some fresh air, and Mai happened to be standing in the way.

"Why did you drag me out here? You can't say she is with me and then drag me outside?" Mai asked as she removed my hand from her wrist.

"I know, but I was already on my way to go outside. You just happened to stand in the way" I answered with a slight smile as I sat down on the grass.

"However.. I thought you had plans to visit the kingdom of Far Far Away?" I mentioned out of curiosity.

"Let's not talk about the fact that I'm actually here. It hurts my pride too much. Moreover, you shouldn't think I came here for you. I came for the fast income only" Mai said as she said down next to me.

She had her eyes down on the grass and her fingers pulled up small pieces of the grass. I couldn't help but to stare at Mai. Notice the small details of her appearance and body language.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I sell drugs? Or maybe you already know about it. It's common knowledge in this area, after all" Mai said.

"It seems too personal, that's why I don't ask. I don't want to make you uncomfortable by asking questions about your private life" I replied.

"Maybe I shouldn't place all posh people into one category. You seem better than the rest of your peers" Mai admitted with a slight smile.

"That's because I know how it feels like to be forced to live up to a certain image. People aren't interested in knowing about you as a person; they are only interested in knowing about your family background because it's easier to judge" I said.

"Most people tend to judge someone based on secondhand sources instead of the firsthand source: the person themselves. Since I don't want someone to do that with me, I have learned not to do it to others" I added while I looking at Mai, who was already looking at me.

"You are unprejudiced and nonjudgmental, and I like that about you. Thank you Ni-ki" Mai said with a smile.

I keep looking at her instead of responding
because my eyes still being distracted by more small details on Mai's appearance and body language. There is something about this moment that makes the world seem pleasing, even though it consists of a lot of shit.

Sometines people are not beautiful because of their looks or what they say, but because of who they are. Mai, however, seems to excel all three categories..

"May-Maybe we should go back inside?" I asked while I scratched my neck. Why are my thoughts making me feel shy? And why are my thoughts even like this?

Mai nodded, and the two of us started to walk back to the old clubhouse. I naturally grabbed Mai's wrist again when we got closer to the two guys at the door. This time they stayed silent while we walked through the door.

I was on my way to ask Mai where she wanted to go first or if she wanted anything to drink, but someone was ahead of me. A girl recognized Mai and grabbed her other wrist, dragging her towards the crowd. Just like that, I was all alone.

"Hey Riki! Where did you go? You started your mission without telling us, didn't you?" Nicholas asked, making a sudden appearance.

"Absolutely not" I answered as I sighed and my eyes glued on Mai.

"Why is Sato here?" Kenji asked out of confusion.

"To make money probably, or maybe she wants to accompany her Dad in prison" Hinata replied.

Both Kenji and Nicholas laughed along with Hinata while I stayed in silent, not finding it funny at all.

It's for moments like this I have my unbiased and non-judgmental trait turned on. I now understand what Mai meant when she said it's common knowledge to know about her drug business.

It's because people rely on secondhand sources. They base all of their thoughts and opinions on what they have heard rather from someone than what they know firsthand.

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