Darkness....and Pain...so much pain

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I don't really remember much of this part of my stolen life. All I remember is fire.

My body was on fire, my veins bursting, my blood turning into poison, stinging and burning every part of my body it touched. I remember my throat burning to let out that blood curdling scream that I knew was there, but I was in so much pain, I couldn't find the strength to open my mouth. So I endured the fire quietly. I drifted in and out of consciousness, each time I resurfaced the burn was still there. I kept passing out from the pain. This was nothing like when I cut, or when Kyan beat me. Nothing came close to this, you don't know what pain is until you've experienced this...................................

*Mystery Person POV*

"She's doing quite well. She didn't burn up, I was right in thinking she would be a special one.." I said to Kayne. "You did well."

"Thank you, my lord," He smiled cruelly. Oh, I just love it when my loyals curl their lips like that! They remind me of...well myself.

"Yes, now, I'm going to check on her, get the map ready, we'll be ready to attack in a few months time, go over the plan with the rest of the coven," I nodded. I stalked into the burning room..ha-ha. She was quite a looker, tall, curvy, blond- totally my type. I bent down to see her lips quivering, her heartbeats slowed down, she looked...dead. Perfect! Everything's going underway. I smile, trembling with excitement. For a 17 year old I was pretty damn smart, coming up with this plan. Soon I'll be leader of all of our kind, I'll obliterate the Stark Coven; the specials, all of them have special abilities, and there are 76 in all, the biggest coven in our history. The most was probably 36 or 38. But once I have her on my side along with a few other covens who dislike the Starks, there is no way I'll loose. I laugh hysterically, and kiss this girl's, Bella's sweet, soft, full pink lips. mmmmm, she's the one alright, my partner,and she'll be the special of the specials. I grin. Yes, everything is perfect. Just perfect.


Hey, luckies! I usually only update once a month, but look I updated again that makes it 2 days in a row! I hope you guys like this! :) it's my first vampire story, I hope i can pull it off, and if it's not that good-remember i'm only 13! so plz comment with suggestions for the story, thanks and remember to vote! FIRST PERSON TO COMMENT GETS TO BE IN THE STORY! (porbably later on though, you'll be a member of the Stark Coven, and you'll have a special ability!) JUST MESASAGE ME YOUR REAL NAME AND USERNAME SO I CAN ALSO DEDICATE THE NEXT CHAPTER(S) TO ANYONE WHO COMMENTS! BUT IT HAS TO BE ABOUT THE STORY THOUGH AND NOT RANDOM! THANKS! Ps: it's really short because this is just a teaser chapter, but I promise the next one will be longer!

-punkyouash :) xx LOVE YOU GUYS!

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