The camera cuts to Franklin.

Franklin: However people feel about this situation, the fact that the monster island wasn't destroyed long ago caused severe financial damage to our country. And so I promise to remove all possible dangers of supervillains and monsters from our country and improve national security.

TV news reporter: Franklin did not mention the Powerpuff Girls as the prime suspects in the situation. But William was quick to respond...

William: All due respect to my opponent, but Franklin is an imbecile, for he failed to mention the mayor of Townsville, along with the Powerpuff Girls, are the prime suspect in this situation. How is it that an island full of monsters goes unchecked? Even if the mayor, or the Powerpuff Girls, didn't think about it, the damage has already been done! It goes against the national security principle to protect its people! The girls are still in kindergarten but have taken the responsibility to save our men, women, and children and maintain this country's national security. That is why the mayor of Townsville, as well as the Powerpuff Girls to an extent, must face punishment for letting a dangerous source of monsters exist this long!

The camera zoomed out to reveal a TV monitor.

TV news reporter: While Franklin was trying to maintain neutralism on the subject, William blamed the mayor of Townsville as well as the Powerpuff Girls for the financial crisis status quo they maintained. So now we can only ask ourselves this: Is this the beginning of the end for the Powerpuff Girls?

The TV got turned off, and the camera faded to black. After some seconds, the camera faded to the city hall building before it cut to the mayor walking inside, humming a tune.

Mayor: Hm-hmhm-hmhm-hm-hm-hmhm-hm-hhhmmmmm...

It cut again to the mayor's room as the mayor entered it.

Mayor: Bum-budum-bumrrrrrrrabumbum.

He noticed Miss Bellum standing near the desk and police officers near it.

Mayor: Good morning, Miss Bellum. You won't believe what an idea I had last night: a pickle-sized coffee with a pickle inside it. Isn't that genius? So now I want you to try to make that a reality, Miss Bellum.

No response.

Mayor: Um, Miss Bellum? Police officers?

Miss Bellum: I'm sorry, mayor, but I can't help you with that or anything else right now.

Mayor: Why? What's happening?

Police Officer 1: Mister Mayor, we need you to come with us downtown and answer some questions.

Mayor: Um, can't we just answer it here?

Police Officer 2: You are suspected of being one of the prime causes of the financial crisis in this country by not terminating a consistent source of monsters that tear through this city.

Mayor: What?! (the policemen grab him and exit through the door) BUT I HAVEN'T VISITED PARIS YET! I STILL HAVEN'T TRIED THE SPECIAL BAGUETTE PICKLES!

Police Officer 3: (from the hallway) You have the right to remain silent.

The camera cuts to an interrogation room in a police station. A detective, the professor, and the Powerpuff Girls were there.

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