French Toast

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Morning came entirely too soon. Pulling the soft blanket up and over her head, Ally rolled over and into Austin's side. Austin. Blinking open her eyes, Ally glanced up at the man beside her and let her mouth curve ever so slightly as she realized he was still here. Still by her side and still sleeping. He was kind of adorable when he was sleeping. His hair was all over the place - some sticking straight up, some over his closed eyes and there were even strands he had in his mouth. Ally didn't know how it got that way, but she was taking a mental picture to remember it.

Twisting around in the covers, she peaked over the blankets she was using to keep warm and saw the streams of sunlight shining into the room. The ones she wanted to reverse and make go away so she could relive last night again. It had been more than amazing and more than wonderful. After their first time together, and the second time, and grabbing their little midnight snack in between, there was a third and a fourth and if she had known Austin was this great in bed before, maybe she would've sped up their little love story. Scratch that, she knew she would have.

Reaching for the red robe that lied over the desk chair, Ally wrapped it over her bare body and slid her feet into the slippers she found underneath her bed after getting up from the comfortable mattress and even more comfortable arms of Austin. Trying to be as quiet as a mouse, Ally tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs. Although the temptation of staying all day in bed with him was there, her stomach was also doing a bit of talking and she didn't want to wake him with it's massive growling that she knew would.

Heating up a quick bowl of oatmeal, Ally pulled out some berries from the fridge and threw them in before grabbing a spoon and heading back up the stairs. Munching on the spoonful of yumminess in her mouth, she stopped just short of her room where she heard him talking on the phone.

"I can get there later on. Just book the studio for then and we can record the last songs."

The last songs. Taking a deep breath, Ally shoved all the bad thoughts to the back of her brain. She knew he was leaving soon. She was leaving soon...and now the worry was starting to set in her whole body more. She didn't want to deal with what would happen after right now. All she wanted to do right now was go back in her room, eat her oatmeal and spend all day in bed with him; and that's just what she did.

Austin was still on the phone when she entered and sitting up against the headboard, giving her the perfect view of his very defined chest that she couldn't stop touching last night. It was so defined that she was seriously wondering if there was a Demigod gene in him somewhere. Either that or he had a sick workout which, she would have to steal it, because just running like a mad woman throughout Venice wasn't really giving her anything but really good legs.

Heading back towards the bed, Austin's face changed from working out a schedule in his mind to a big smile at her. "Hi," he mouthed towards her as she took a seat on the edge of the bed, which he decided was was way too far away and pulled her closer as he cradled the phone in the crook of his neck. "I'll meet you there at six."

He was off the phone in two seconds, letting it slip on the table beside him just as she took another bite of her oatmeal. Scooping another bite, complete with a few berries in it, Ally offered it up to Austin. She wasn't sure if he was a sharing meals or the same utensils type of guy, but she was about to find out - and good news, he was. He held onto the spoon in his mouth, his eyes not moving from her own and slowly slid it out.

La Serenissimaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें