She saw him smirk at her, but it didn't stop her from apologizing even more. "I am so sorry. I'm such an idiot. After seeing you every day this week, I don't know why I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"The family, they're gone for the week," Ally told him, still beating herself up about not remembering to tell him.

How could she have forgotten? In between him wrapping things up at the conservatory, which meant more free time for him, they were at Santoli's, or she was showing him around the university and he had gotten to see her use her TA powers to shoot down some other student's dreams when they asked for the third extension on a paper in a week. When either of them wasn't handling private matters or sleeping, they were with each other and there had been so many opportunities to tell him...or was there?

As she recalled most of that time spent together was spent stealing kisses and getting wrapped up in his music, there had definitely been time to tell him. No excuses, Ally.

"I'm so sorry, Austin. I can't believe I didn't tell you."

"Ally," Austin stopped her, and pulled her hand back from her hair. "It's okay."

She bit her lip, still scolding herself inside.

"Stop beating yourself up. It's really okay," he assured her more. "More time to spend with you."

She didn't stop smacking herself internally, but his comment did make her smile. More time to spend with him, and she would take it, seeing as the days were dwindling down into nothing before he had to leave. With his flight all booked and most of his bags all packed, she was dreading the day she would walk with him to the ferry and say goodbye. She wasn't ready for that yet.

In the space of just a handful of weeks, Austin Moon had become such a big part of her life and Ally, although she knew she had a life and job and reality to get back to, didn't want to. She didn't want to go back without him by her side. It was funny to her just how much she wanted him in it. In her romantic past, she was the one who didn't want the long commitment, knowing that it eventually led to separation and hurt and all those feelings that she saw her father go through, she was trying to avoid. But with Austin, suffering all those feelings might just be worth it.

Leading him up to the main level, Ally only now just saw he had his guitar with him as he placed it by the door and took his shoes off. She watched him leave it there as she tried to straighten up some of her mess she left behind from lounging around earlier in the day and doing absolutely nothing but reading and eating. She piled books on top of books and shoved them out of the way, reminding herself to return them all to Benedetto's shelves before they returned and jumped a bit when she felt Austin come up behind her.

Swiftly turning her around, Ally looped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. If the family was here, she could just imagine their looks and hollers at them, and maybe even a big brother talk from Dante with Austin about his intentions. With them out of the house, she could and would definitely be enjoying Austin's kisses without prying eyes or comments. She nipped at his bottom lip as he let her breathe and instantly wanted his lips back on hers.

"I am sorry Austin. I know you were expecting this grand dinner..."

"Hey, I'm not expecting anything than to spend time with you."

"You need to quit being so nice about this. I'm screwing you out of an Italian dinner," she said, taking a seat on the sofa next to him. "I mean, I can make you something, but apart from the coffee, I'm not the best cook in the world."

Austin smirked at her. "What can you cook?"

"Does water count?" No, Ally, water does not count, she silently scolded herself.

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