chapter 1 welcome to anhs

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Hey guys I am trying out a new story I hope you will like and enjoy

The students of anhs was ask to go to the gym for a special event

Chairman sakayanagi: hello students I have gathered all of you here to witness the new machine invented by the government

Ichinose raises her hands

Chairman sakayanagi: yes what is it

Ichinose: what is the purpose of the machine

Chairman sakayanagi: it shows the past, present, and future of a person and I want the school to see its capabilities first hand

Many people were shocked and impressed by the machine some were doubtful

Chairman sakayanagi: I will need to choose someone to be the one to be displayed any volunteers

Astelle raised her hand

Astelle: I don't have a problem if you show me

Chairman sakayanagi: very well any objections

Nobody rejected because they want to see what the machine can do in addition to the fact that she is beautiful

Chairman sakayanagi: alright let's start

The video starts

Is shows astelle in a car

Arisu: fufufu is this your ride to school

Astelle: yes

Nishikawa: wow astelle-chan is so rich

Astelle: it's because of my family

driver: young madam It will not be the same without you

Astelle: oh don't be like that it's only going to be 3 years

Driver: yes 3 years without the madam won't be the same

Ichinose: looks like your driver greatly admires you

Astelle: well he has been our family driver since I was still a child

We arrived at anhs

Astelle pov: anhs the school the boast a 100% employment such a generous school I wonder what this school has to offer

Ryuen: kukuku this school is indeed full of surprises

Many people agreed

She enters the school and many people were stunned by her beauty she is heading towards the gym

On her way she can hear other people opinions about her but she ignores it

Random student: woah she is so beautiful

Random student: she must be rich as well the way she carries herself

Random student: is she a real life princess I can't believe I'm attending the same school as her

The people seen where embarrassed but nobody said anything because it's true

Astelle pov: I went into class A stand and to my surprise my childhood friend is here

Hashimoto: is it Hime

Astelle: yes we grew up together

Arisu: fufufu elle-chan it's been a while

Astelle: you too arisu-chan looks like we're going to be classmates

Arisu: yes I look forward in spending my three years here with you it so good to see a familiar face don't you agree

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