'Let's try now.'

'Try? Try what?' Makoto was genuinely confused. Haru huffed.

'To make a baby, dummy!' Makoto gaped. Makoto knew that Haru had no knowledge about sex prior to their relationship but surely even he knew men couldn't get pregnant, right? Makoto should break it to him gently.

'Haru, sweetheart, two men can't make a baby.' Haru smacked him upside the head.

'You idiot! It's called roleplaying! We can't have a baby for real and there's no way anyone would let us adopt so I was pretending! Way to ruin the mood!' Haru crossed his arms and turned the other way. Makoto threw himself to the floor in front of Haru's feet.

'Oh my god! Haru! I'm so sorry! I'm so stupid! I should've known you weren't that naive! Jeez, I'm so dumb, please forgive me! I'm so, so sorry! Please! I'm sorry!' Makoto bowed down in front of Haru, head touching the floor. Haru nudged Makoto's shoulder with his foot. Makoto looked up to Haru's face.

'I'll forgive you if you please me.'

'Anything, I'll do anything!'

'Then play along!'

Makoto smiled widely and nodded.

Playing along with the fantasy that he could impregnate his beautiful husband? Yes, Makoto could do that just fine. Makoto kissed Haru's ankle through the fabric of his pajamas. Makoto worked his lips up Haru's leg, from his shin to his knee. He looked up to Haru's face, making eye contact, before kissing up Haru's thigh. When he reached to apex of Haru's thighs he gently nuzzle his face there for a minute before standing back up and getting back on the bed.

Makoto's lips met with Haru's own lips gently, both of them moving in a sweet, intoxicating pace. Makoto back away slightly to pull his t-shirt off before bringing his hands to the buttons of Haru's pj's. He worked slowly on the buttons, teasing Haru. Haru soon took revenge by placing his own hands to Makoto's chest and bringing his lips to his neck. Haru nipped his neck with his lips while rubbing sensual circles into his chest. Makoto was halfway through undoing the buttons when he stopped, thinking to tease Haru some more. Haru grew frustrated until Makoto felt a little smirk against his neck, he knew he was in trouble. All too soon Makoto felt his left nipple encased in a warm, wet heat while Haru suckled him softly. Makoto's nipples were a highly erogenous zone for him so Haru's action caused him to moan loudly.

Makoto quickly undid the rest of the buttons of Haru's top and dropped it to the floor. Haru was proud of the fact that he caused Makoto to be panting lightly already.

'Haru, I need you. I need you so bad.' Makoto pulled Haru close and brought him into a deep kiss, gently prying his lips open with small licks. Haru brought both hands to Makoto's hair, caressing each strand through his fingers, while Makoto gently cradled the back of his head. Haru's tongue met Makoto's and they rubbed the apendages together, both moaning loudly at the motion which foreshadowed the action they were building up to. Haru broke the kiss for a moment and lifted his hips enough to tug his pants off, Makoto's bottoms soon followed and landed into the ever increasing heap on the floor. Makoto raised a brow.

'No underwear tonight?'

Haru just smirked. 'You either. Expecting this were you?'

Makoto flushed but silenced Haru with another kiss. As their tongues tangled, mouths pressed together, their hands began to roam. Haru's up and down Makoto's chest while Makoto's hands caressed Haru's back and the nape of his neck. Both were thoroughly aroused by now but neither cared, too focused on the pleasure of their partner. All too soon Haru realized that he had been maneuvered to the head of the bed and was now being gently pressed into the mattress, Makoto on top of him. Haru let Makoto stay on top of him until he felt the press of Makoto's erection against his own. Makoto suddenly felt his world shifting as Haru flipped them over.

'You've been stressed all day, you must be tired.'

Makoto nodded slowly.

'Then let me do all the work tonight. I want to be on top this time.'

Makoto's heart rate tripled. All he could do was stare dumbly as Haru spread his legs over Makoto's thighs, now that Haru was straddling Makoto, Makoto was effectively pinned to the bed. Whether he was pinned from Haru's body weight or the sheer fact that he was stunned by how beautiful Haru looked on top of him was another question. Makoto brought his hands to Haru's hips on instinct as he felt Haru slot their hips together. Haru made eye contact before slowly drawing his hips forward then back, this repeated several times until Haru began to speak.

'Makoto, I want you.'

Makoto felt his brain officially short circuit. Haru on top was rare, Haru's sex talk? Never.

Haru kept his hips at a fairly steady pace, Makoto brought a hand up to toy with both of their penises. Haru braced his hands on Makoto's chest, he was moaning without reservation now, calling Makoto's name over and over again. Makoto felt his mind go fuzzy, brain just a hazy puddle if pleasure. Haru was on the edge of orgasm that much Makoto could tell, he could feel him shaking and shivering. Makoto looked up at Haru as soon as he heard him speak, Haru looked wrecked, his face was the epitome of ecstacy and Makoto would bet that he probably didn't even realize he was speaking out loud.

"Makoto...oohhh...ha hah hah...Makoto's, un, baby...ah!...I want Makoto's baby...uh, ngh...M-makoto," he paused to gasp for air, "Makoto I want to carry our baby...guh...Makoto, cum, please Mako-AH!"

Makoto could feel every pulse of Haru's orgasm but that wasn't what brought him to completion, no he had began his orgasm long before that, it was Haru's words. The fact that Haru would even consider carrying a child, their child excited him. Of course they both knew that their chances of ever having a child were practically zero but just the thought of Haru considering having a baby with him left him breathless. Makoto was brought back to reality by the tiny whimper he heard above him. Makoto sat up and caressed Haru's face until Haru's eyes opened.

'Haru, are you okay? You whimpered, what's wrong?'

Haru buried his head into Makoto's shoulder in embarrassment before slowly pulling away and answering.

'No thing's wrong, it was just intense. Felt really good.' Makoto smiled and held Haru close. He didn't want to leave Haru's side so he made quick work of clean up by just grabbing a tissue from the bedside. Afterwords Makoto and Haru slipped under the sheets, still naked, and snuggled. Makoto lay on his back with Haru's head on his chest. Makoto placed a quick kiss to the crown of his head.

'Goodnight Haru, I love you.' He wrapped his arm around Haru's shoulder, pulling him closer. Haru nuzzle his head against Makoto.

'Goodnight, I love you.'

A few minutes later Makoto could feel Haru's steady breathing, he was fast asleep. As Makoto lay in the dark he prayed to every deity he could think of to let him be with Haru the rest of his life, what he didn't know was that Haru was wishing the exact same thing.

------- The End -------
(C) MsKirishima2015

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