Chapter 52

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Author POV

Flashback continue.......

" What the hell!? " Mr. Jeon said as the mansion was under attack.

" Guards get the guns bring them down" Mr. Jeon said and look at Mrs. Jeon.

" Honey what's that !? " Mrs. Jeon asked looking terrified.

" Don't worry no matter who are they and how many are they I will bring them down " Mr. Jeon said comforting Mrs. Jeon.

" Namjoon take care of your mum and brother " Mr. Jeon said and Namjoon nodded it's not new for them they often get attacked by many another Mafia gang but the fact that it happen on jungkook birthday make them a bit worry because they have many guest gather there.

" Mom don't wor....." Namjoon got cut off when a man come running towards him with a knife. It's was about to hit him when Mrs. Jeon pull his and kick the man on face knocking him out for sure.

" Namjoon take jungkook to some safe place " Mrs. Jeon said.

" But mom what about you" Namjoon asked looking at his mom.

" Don't worry about me I can protect myself"Mrs. Jeon said shooting another two.

" Ok " Namjoon said as he gripped Jungkook hand and run to some safe place.

" Hyung why did this all have to happen now. I badly want to cut my cake and open my gifts" jungkook said with a pout.

" Don't worry kook mom and dad will take care of this mess and you will soon cut your birthday cake" Namjoon said and jungkook nodded.

" Jungkook please don't come out of here. I have to return to mom I can't live her alone there " Namjoon said and jungkook nodded.

" Hyung you go to mom. Kook is a big boy he can take care of himself" jungkook said proudly.

" Ok but please don't come out" Namjoon said put he hide jungkook in a small secret room.

" Okie " jungkook said with a smile and Namjoon went to see his mother.

" Jungkook " a voice come as soon as Namjoon left.

" Maura noona " jungkook said as he looked around to find Maura was was starring at him with a creepy smirk.

" What the you doing here!? And who did you get inside for " Jungkook asked looking at her.

" I am here to take care of you " Maura said and jungkook rise his brow.

" But this is a secret room only my family members know about his rooms " jungkook asked looking at Maura. In reality, Maura was stalking jungkook and Namjoon when Namjoon left jungkook alone Maura get the chance to trap jungkook.

" Mr. Jeon send me there to take you to some other safe place " Maura said but jungkook don't get convince by her statement.

" So let's go to some other safe place" Maura said with a smile.

" No " jungkook said and Maura smiled dropped.

" WHAT DID YOU SAID" Maura shouted and jungkook flinched.

" I-I mean it's for your safety" Maura said as she put a fake smile again.

" But Namjoon hyung said not to go anywhere" jungkook said and Maura was slowly losing her patience.

" Jungkook. It's. Not. Safe. Here. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND" Maura said and jungkook was taken back by her word.

" I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU. YOU ARE BAD " jungkook said and Maura completely lost her patience.

" So you wouldn't come with me. I was asking the nicely all this time but look like now I have to use force " Maura said and jungkook try to run but she catch him.

" Let me go " jungkook asked said and bite Maura.

" YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH " Maura said when jungkook bite her.

Jungkook run again when Maura loose her grip on him but again her catched him and this time she harshly  push him towards the wall.

" Ahhhhh " jungkook screamed when head banged with wall as the blood started flowing and he got faint.

" Sorry baby it not my fault it was your mistake" Maura said as she quickly picked faint jungkook and door the door.

" Lucky no one is here " Maura said as she went out of the mansion.

" Now you can be finally be mine " Maura said as he seat on the car and drive away with a faint jungkook.

On another side.....

" Ahhhhhhh" a male screamed as Mr. Jeon break his arm.

" Hubby there are still many of them left" Mrs. Jeon said shooting the attackers.

" Namjoon where is jungkook" Mr. Jeon asked still fighting.

" Don't worry dad he is safe in one of our secret rooms" Namjoon said and join the fight. Everyone in their family know how to fight except Jungkook.

10 min later....

" Fuck we are so many then why are we losing" attacker asked but stopped then Namjoon shoot him on head.

" One the last one is gone" Mr. Jeon said as he shoot the last attacker. There white coloured mansion was now all red because of the blood.

" Now your game is over" Mr. Jeon said to the boss of attackers who he have capture.

" Now let me see your face" Mr. Jeon said as he remove the mask but his eyes got wide when he saw jae Myung.

" What the hell!? Why did you did that why did you attack us" Mrs. Jeon asked and jae Myung smirk.

" Fucking tell me bastard " Mr. Jeon asked punching jae Myung face who start bleeding.

" Because you are one of my most trustworthy man so why" Mr. Jeon asked and jae Myung laughed.

" Trustworthy my foot I have always hate you you don't even know the number of time I try to kill you but always got away somehow " jae Myung said and Mr. Jeon griddle his teeth.

" The hell I trust you so much that I was about to give my whole Mafia business to you and this is how you pay me back " Mr. Jeon asked hitting jae Myung.

" Never told ya to give me your business I will snatch it out of your hand anyway I don't want to be treated like your dog" jae Myung said and Mr. Jeon put out his gun.

" Enough of your bullshit " Mr. Jeon was about to hit jae Myung when his eyes got wide as he heard what he said next.

" Don't you want to know where you are some is " jae Myung said everyone stopped.

" Jungkook what the hell did you do with jungkook" Mrs. Jeon said gripping his collar.

" Namjoon go check on jungkook " Mr. Jeon said and Namjoon run to check.

" He is.... He is not there" Namjoon said with terrified eyes.

" Where are hell is jungkook" Mr. Jeon asked hitting jae Myung.

" I don't know but my daughter might have kill him by now " jae Myung said Mr. Jeon can't take it any longer and shoot him down.

" Everyone go find my son now" Mr. Jeon ordered.

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