On her choker, in the middle of where the buckle is, there is a speaker mechanism. When a button is pressed on the back of the choker, it allows Kawa to project her voice and control multiple people at once.

Inside the gray part of her boots, or the inside of the toe-box, is a mechanism that disperses black smog similar to that of a smoke bomb, allowing Kawa to quickly escape a situation or catch her enemies off guard. Is activated by a button on the back of the choker.

The choker has a couple different buttons on it, which account for different functions on her costume. Functions include lights, speaker, and smoke screens. Kawa eventually memorizes which button is which by the feel of the symbol on top of each, similar to braille.

That's it. Back to the main storyline before I fill this entire chapter with pure information.)


Ultimately, Kawa decided that there was nothing she could do about her hero outfit now, her only choice being to be thankful for the extra support weapons made.

Inhaling a deep breath, Kawa let the stall door creak open, immediately wincing at the loud noise it produced. She poked her head around the corner, almost sighing in relief when she saw it to be empty.

A shiver fell down her back. Her instincts flared up in response.


Kawa glared down at the person who snuck up on her, gaze hardening in defense. She looked down on the person she had just flipped over onto the floor.

"Kyoka Jirou," Kawa greeted nonchalantly, dusting off her hero costume before offering a hand toward the fallen girl. "I apologize for my actions. I did not expect you to be behind me."

Jirou let out an awkward cough. "It's alright," she replied, following the lilac-haired girl out of the locker room.

"That was a sick throw."

"But I am not ill?"

"It's an expression, silly."


A silence struck between the duo, one looking off into the distance while the other just looked plain uncomfortable.

"I.. I like your hero outfit." Kawa turned to look at Jirou when she spoke, nodding her head in acknowledgement.

The lilac-haired girl took a moment to optically dissect Jirou's hero costume. It was a overwhelmingly simple—a plain red shirt under a leather jacket, a pair of headphones, and mid-shin high boots—so much so that Kawa wondered if the clothes were actually her own and not a professional costume.

"Your's as well," Kawa added, immediately walking a bit faster as the duo approached the entire class at Ground Beta. There, she noticed Kaminari talking with Kirishima, and Sero.

Kawa began to walk over, ignoring the curious and intrigued stares that came her way. Or maybe she hadn't even noticed them.

She caught the tail-end of their conversation.

"..and that's how I created a crater in my backyard using a toaster!" Kaminari proudly declared, his chest puffing out. However, Sero and Kirishima seemed to have second thoughts.

"Dude, get some mental help," Sero gaped, a very obvious concerned undertone in his voice. Beside him, Kirishima pumped a fist up.

"Actually, I think it's kinda manly..!" A wide grin spread across his face, eliciting an explosion of laughter from the other two.

As the trio laughed, two of them suddenly went deadly silent. "Guys?" Kaminari opened his eyes to find the other two looking behind him. "What's—?"

"Hello, Denki Kaminari," he heard Kawa behind him, a light pole at his shoulder. When Kaminari turned around, he couldn't help but stare.

Whoever had decided her hero outfit really understood what parts should be skin-tight, and which should be a little looser. Most of the outfit was skin-tight, most notably around her torso and arms. However, the short-sleeves at the top were slightly loose, allowing them to flow gently in the wind. In short, Kawa looked really good.

And it didn't help that her costume included little waist cutouts.

"Denki Kaminari." Kawa tilted her head, a frown on her face. Kaminari wasn't answering her. "..Denki Kaminari?"

As if broken from a trance, Kaminari's eyes focused down at Kawa. "—Huh, what?"

"I asked if you were alright," Kawa repeated, poking the boy's shoulder yet again. "You seemed to turn red for a moment."

Embarrassed at the prospect of getting caught staring, Kaminari furiously rubbed at the back of his neck and presented a wobbly smile.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm totally—we're all fine, right guys..?"

Kaminari cast a glance back at the two students behind him, hoping that they wouldn't make some weird comment. Sero looked to the side, pink dusting his cheeks, while Kirishima only gave the electric blond a knowing look.

"Oh yeah," Kirishima huffed, putting a hand on his hip and smiling widely. "..We're good!" Beside him, Sero only nodded.

With a sigh, Kaminari turned back and listened as Kawa began ranting about her outfit in a deadpanned tone. She lifted one of her hands.

"The design doesn't seem the most practical," she frowned, gesturing her hand forward and thumbing the button in the middle of her palm. "Only my gloves and the buttons on my choker.."

Kaminari paused. "Wait, what can you gloves do?"

The boy eyed the bulky metal additions to Kawa's gloves, raising an eyebrow when she turned her hand so that it faced away from the group. The trio of boys were confused until a sharp shing sound suddenly filled the air as blades slid from the outside of the gloves.

The boys immediately tensed.

As Kawa began swinging her arm around, Kaminari noticed the slight awe in her expression. It wasn't obvious—in fact, it was fairly muted—but it was so startlingly different from her normal expression that Kaminari couldn't help but to notice it.

"They are exceptionally useful," Kawa nodded, a slight flash of dangerous intent in her eyes. "..I truly hope I get to use them," she murmured, glaring at Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima in a vaguely menacing manner.

Kaminari only chuckled, a look of admiration on his face as he smiled.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side, princess."


[ Word Count: 1342 ]


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