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Cait felt so little she didn't even want to go to school anymore. All day since yesterday people in the campus made sure to make her remember how cruel she was. Looking around she found her self alone, eating the cereals that taste awfully like sandpaper that morning. Ysa and Bel could only smile at her from a far. Well at least they weren't mad at her anymore.

She haven't seen Bea the whole day yesterday as well until today. Cait couldn't help but to think that the girl finally decided to stop. It did hit something in her chest too, just thinking about it make her guilty and well..depress.

But then again it has been done, Dara knew she could no longer take everything back.

And then Bea did came, laughing a little bit when her friends greeted her. But unlike the days that passed. Bea didn't walked towards her table to greet her. She did saw her spare a little glance at her, which made her looked at her expectantly however the girl just looked away to talked again with her friends.

Cait drew a large breath and finished off her small milk box. She huffed tiredly and took her bag and books before pushing herself off the table and walked out of there. It was so suffocating that she felt need to go out and have some fresh air.


Cait sat on the place where she and Bea sat the other day. Couldn't help but to think of the what if's. What if she had talked to her more? What if she had not got so stocked up and allowed the girl to date her? What if she had given her a chance? Will it make a differrence?

"Of course you stupid! It will!" She cursed herself louder that she expected, then heard a chuckled behind her.

Looking behind her, she found Bea. Standing in all her glory, smiling down at her. She managed to nervously smile back. It took a few seconds or a minute for Bea to walked around and sat in front of her. She just kept quiet and pretended to read the book on her lap. Bea crossed her legs again and leaned back on her hand, throwing her head back to stare at the sky.

"Stop crossing you leg. It will give you cramps. Stretch it out." She informed her making her looked at her with her chinita black eyes. It made her squirmed, looking away.

She did stretched out. Smiling now.

"I'm not used to sitting on the grass like this. The last time made my legs cramped." She looked up again on the sky providing Cait the time and chance to stare at the side profile of her face.

"You won't get one this time." She fidgety took a page with her finger pretended to read again.

Then there was silence between them. With both kept stealing glances to each other.

"Cait.." she called softly to get her attention.

"Hmm?" she looked up from her book.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm..go ahead."

"What course are you going to take up in college?" her head tilted sideways to look at her again. The magical smile appearing again on her face. Cait couldn't help but blush.

"Psychology." She answered looking down again.

"Ahh..cool," she nodded looking at the sky again.

"Ahmm.. what about you?" she asked, still studying the detailed features of her beautiful face.

It took a while for Bea to answer. " Ahh.. I don't know. No one asked me that yet."

Cait's eyes widened "Are you kidding me? I bet there are universities offering you scholarships."

Bea sat straighter. Wiping the back of her hands on her black jeans. "Yeah. That's the point. All of them kept pushing me to take different majors. No one asked me what exactly I want." She smiled sadly.

"What about your parents?" She continued. Finally intrigued by her life.

"Nah. Too busy to deal with my hang ups". She laughed.

"Oh ok" Cait couldn't find the words to say or to ask her anymore. She was afraid to cross that bridge. It might be to confidential for her or might be too personal for her to share.

"See..that's the point here, Cait. I am not perfect and mighty for you not to reach." She crossed her legs and scooted closer to her. Looking right through her eyes.

"I am just Bea. With hang ups and shits. My parents are divorced. They don't care about me. I am the President of the school but that doesn't mean I am that smart. I am popular but I did not asked for that. I play pranks because that's the only fun I could get with my friends. I date, get into other girls skirts but that's just because you aren't even giving me a second look."

"Don't you dare blame your playgirl ways on me Bea." She glared but Bea just laughed.

"I didn't mean to." She took her hand, played with her fingers for a few minutes before placing it away again to her lap.

"Like what I told you ealier. I tried to convince myself that I wasn't in love with you. You're too pure for me to taint. But then again..as each days pass. Just looking at you from a far. Looking rather pretty and geeky.." she smiled "and caring towards other and a right bitch to everyone else.. I couldn't help but fall deeper."

Cait's lower lip jutted out and it started to tremble. She had longed for someone to say all those nice words to her. And she had been wishing it would be Bea.

"I..I'm sorry for what I said yesterday and for the other days. I didn't mean to" she had her eyes teary and Cait was so embarrassed that it only took her a few nice words for her to reduce her into a crying mess.

"Shhh..it's ok" she held her small face in between her plams and wipe the tears off her face. "I know you don't."

She nodded and awkwardly pulled herself away from her.

"Ahmm, I need to go now." She smiled shyly and waited for her to acknowledge it. "Here! Take this." She pushed a small paper into her hand. "I'll talk to you soon, yeah?" she sniffed before walking away.

Bea watched her go. A smile creeping up on her face, dropping back down on the grass with her hands behind her back. She looked at the note scribbled on the piece of paper, " +63 994 812 1404, how about some tea?"

She giggled before closing her eyes. "Fucking love!"

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